Boa Viagem Sunrise
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The last time we traveled to Brazil was in January 2020. We had a large family reunion for my youngest niece’s wedding. It was right before COVID-19 became a world pandemic. Besides seeing my entire family, another moment that stands … Read More

A Tranquil Place
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— When we last visited Lake Tahoe, we spent a very enjoyable time in this area. We liked it so much that we came back to catch a sunset there. Rabe Meadows is another peaceful and easy hike on the shores … Read More

A Peaceful Paradise
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— How would you like to be in a campground surrounded by pine trees and evergreen shrubs and just a few steps from the blue waters of Lake Tahoe? That is the setting of the Nevada Beach campground. The area is right … Read More

Icaraí Sunset
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— When in Fortaleza (Brazil), sunset worshipping is a way of living. People flock to the beaches to enjoy the Atlantic warm currents and also to wait for the sun to set, especially in locations such as Icaraí and Cumbuco, … Read More

World Oceans Day
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— On June 8 we celebrate World Oceans Day. The United Nations (UN) proclaimed this year’s theme as “The Ocean: Life and Livelihoods.” To call attention to what covers 70% of the planet is evident in present times. Sometimes people … Read More

Portuguese Sidewalks
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— During our first walk in Lisbon, Portugal, there was one thing that caught our eyes immediately: the intricate and carefully crafted Portuguese sidewalks. We were staying just a couple of blocks from the tree-lined April 25 Avenue. Once we … Read More

Sunset at Beira-Mar
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— What does someone do when one lives on the coast? Well, if you live in Fortaleza (northeast coast of Brazil), watching a sunset is a must. Wouldn’t you do the same if you lived there? Fortaleza is known for … Read More

Baía do Sueste
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— Probably one of the best snorkeling spots on the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, the Baía do Sueste (Southeast Bay) beach is located in the national park that covers most of the island. One of the most fascinating things … Read More

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— When we come to Port Aransas, going to the beach is a must, of course. Although I love being on the beach just because of the ocean breezes and quiet times, I also enjoy watching the wildlife in Port … Read More

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— While walking along the beach in Port Aransas, we often see a variety of wildlife and other things (trash included). American oystercatchers, seagulls, and Portuguese man-of-war are just examples of fascinating sights. Another common occurrence is the presence of … Read More

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