Flowers along the Rainbow Lake trail
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— The scenery by itself was breathtaking as we hiked to Rainbow Lake in Colorado. Every stretch of the trail provided a new view of the skies, mountains, and streams. Just looking along the trail itself, beauty was everywhere. July … Read More

Aoudads (Barbary Sheep)
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— Earlier this year, I went for a day hike at Pedernales Falls SP. The park tends to get a lot of visitors on weekends because of its proximity to Austin, Texas. However, during the week, one can enjoy the … Read More

Sunrise Harmony
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— I normally do not make sunrise photos because I often miss those beautiful moments that precede a sunrise. On our last day in Ruidoso, New Mexico, I happened to get out of bed a bit earlier than usual. While … Read More

Sierra Blanca Peak
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— We just returned from a week in scenic Ruidoso, New Mexico. This was a last-minute destination for us. Our plans had been to explore a different part of New Mexico we had not seen before. However, I must say … Read More

Lincoln National Forest
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— The second full week in July is National Forest Week in the United States. The event was created by the National Forest Foundation (NFF) in 2019. The NFF is an organization that works “on behalf of the American public … Read More

Aztec Ruins National Monument
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— Part of our southwest vacation in 2010 included Aztec Ruins NM and Chaco Culture NHP. The first and foremost thing to learn about this national monument is that its name, Aztec, is a misnomer. A nineteenth century erroneous belief, according to … Read More

The Maker of Peace
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— If you have ever been to Seminole Canyon SP and visited the Fate Bell Pictograph site, you will have walked right by the bronze statue of The Maker of Peace, by Texas artist Bill Worrell. The sculpture shows a … Read More

Indian Routes
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— Nine years ago we went back to Canyon de Chelly NM to explore more of that national monument. From there we drove to Farmington, New Mexico, to continue visiting other parks and national monuments. Before leaving Canyon de Chelly, … Read More

The Catwalk National Recreation Trail
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— This was a very fun hiking trail in New Mexico. The first part of the trail is fairly easy and offers some refreshing wading pools and some waterfalls. The catwalk itself is a very scenic and shaded trail. The … Read More

Eastern Spotted Whiptail
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— Also known as the Texas Spotted Whiptail (Aspidoscelis gularis), this long-tailed lizard appears not to be afraid of people. We spotted this one at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. It did not shy away from my lens and … Read More

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