Hobbiton Dreams
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— Whenever I think of magical landscapes or dreamy locations, I do not have to go far to find one. At approximately 45 minutes from downtown Austin, Texas, and just within a mile of each other, visitors can immerse themselves … Read More

Yellow’s Positive Energy
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— I am slowly trying to catch up with previous Nature Photo Challenges that Denzil’s Nature blog features every week on average. Last spring, he challenged us “to paint the internet yellow.” The theme was related to spring colors, as … Read More

On Display
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— While we were away in Colorado, there were heavy rains in Austin. That was just about the right time of the year to help with the upcoming fall Oxblood lilies. When we got back, the area near the steps … Read More

On the Edge
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— As my husband and I recently celebrated our 30th anniversary, I did a little inventory of previous things we did to celebrate each five-year milestone. For example, for our 20th anniversary, we spent a long weekend in Puerto Rico. … Read More

Lens-Artists Challenge #267 – Recharge
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Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.Albert Einstein Before retiring, whenever pressure and stress were building at work, I used to tell my boss that I needed to recharge my batteries. He knew that a few … Read More

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— Living and learning is a well-known adage that often pops into my routine. That was the case when I was researching about Corvids. I had a vague idea of some of the birds that are in the Corvidae family. … Read More

Approaching Storm
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–It is often said that a storm is a photographer’s friend. In our most recent trip to Colorado, we were able to witness that a few times. Luckily, every time we saw nature’s work in progress, we were spared of … Read More

Lily Pad Lake
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— For two consecutive years, we have now spent some time in Summit County. We choose that area because of its elevation (9,000 ft/2,743m and higher), lower temperatures in the summer, and excellent hiking trails. This year was our second … Read More

Living Together, Growing Together
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— I suppose we have all read and/or heard the saying about “can’t see the forest for the trees.” We sometimes get so bogged down with details that we miss what is around us. That was not the case during … Read More

Lower Cataract Lake
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— Lower Cataract Lake is a beautiful lake located in the Eagles Nest Wilderness section of the White River National Forest in Colorado. The lake is about 40 minutes northwest of Silverthorne. We visited this lake and its trail in … Read More

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