First Freeze
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— Texas is truly a mixed bag when it comes to weather. One day we are in shorts and t-shirts, and the next day we experience a freeze. That was the case for the first couple of days in January … Read More

Icaraí Sunset
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— When in Fortaleza (Brazil), sunset worshipping is a way of living. People flock to the beaches to enjoy the Atlantic warm currents and also to wait for the sun to set, especially in locations such as Icaraí and Cumbuco, … Read More

Three Twisted Sisters
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— Texas is full of surprises. This week I spent a few days around the Lost Maples SNA as part of a December Christmas tradition I have with a couple of friends. We’ve been doing these December gatherings for a … Read More

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— This year we became members of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. There are several benefits of such membership, including reciprocal memberships at various other gardens throughout the state and country. There is also specific benefits locally, such as … Read More

Amazon Adventures
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— When we went to Brazil for Christmas 2014, we spent a few days in the Amazon. Besides visiting Manaus, e.g., the Opera House, also known as Teatro Amazonas, we had a special day navigating the Amazon River and some … Read More

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— Sometimes we lose sight of how fragile we are. When I made this shot in 2011, we were spending New Year’s in Taos, New Mexico, along with some dear friends. Seeing nature covered with snow and beauty in the … Read More

Dois Irmãos
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— This Christmas, while spending time with our family in Brazil, we took 4 days off to visit the Fernando de Noronha archipelago, off the northeast coast of Brazil. The archipelago comprises 21 islands, but only one is inhabited. What … Read More

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