A New Perspective on the Ordinary
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Lens-Artists Challenge #315 – Common Object We are so accustomed to seeing the world at eye level that we are bound to find new worlds whenever we shift our perspective. For example, when we use macro lenses to photograph what’s … Read More

Birds in Monochrome
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Happy National Wildlife Day! Inspired by several posts this week, I looked back at my catalog and chose half a dozen images to explore in monochrome. Does the achromatic edit work? The photo above was captured as the sun rose … Read More

La Libertad
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Going back several years ago, one of our most memorable trips was visiting El Salvador in 2008. One of our closest friends, a native of that country, prepared the entire itinerary and led us to an unforgettable visit. After spending … Read More

The Poetic Rhythm of the Shore
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Lens-Artists Challenge #314 – Shorelines When you rise to witness the start of a new day, the world is calm and endless. That is the feeling I had when I captured this sunrise in Port Aransas, Texas. I am not … Read More

Exploring the Nuances of a Single Shade
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When it comes to monochromes, I am relatively new to exploring the nuances of a single shade, whether it is black and white or a different one. I looked at what I have published here and only found thirteen posts … Read More

Patience Rewarded
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I am not a birder, as the familiar word goes for people who enjoy bird-watching. I am, instead, a casual bird watcher. If you are wondering what the difference is, it is simple. I enjoy bird-watching at convenient times. I … Read More

The Cool Tones of Huntsville State Park
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Lens-Artists Challenge #313 – Cool Colors In February 2024, I had a challenge about using warm colors in our photos. I examined the impact that those hues had on the way we react to a photograph. Now, John focuses on … Read More

Cooper’s Hawks: Masters of Aerial Hunts
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“August is the month of the high-sailing hawks. The hen hawk is the most noticeable. He likes the haze and calm of these long, warm days. He is a bird of leisure and seems always at his ease. How beautiful … Read More

A Moment of Stillness
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You are not a drop in the ocean;you are the entire ocean in a drop.Rumi I created something new for this month’s ICM photo challenge (ICMPC #7): my first ICM panorama. The process was straightforward. I first made three ICM … Read More

Tiny Humans, Vast Worlds
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Lens-Artists Challenge #312 – Sense of Scale For this week’s Lens-Artists Challenge, Sofia guided us with these words: “When trying to convey a sense of scale, one of the easiest ways to do so is by having something that we … Read More

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