Pedernales River
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— So, here we are in October, and high temperatures are still in the upper 90s and even reaching the century mark! What is a guy to do to get fall weather? Well, I have to go back to some … Read More

Hornsby Bend Bird Observatory
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— I first heard about the Hornsby Bend Bird Observatory while watching a weekly TV show from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. I would probably call the observatory an odd combination generating a world of good. Hornsby Bend is … Read More

Blue Plumbago
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— Blue Plumbago is one of those flowers that keep blooming even when we have extreme temperatures and dry conditions. This native plant loves heat and can be quite drought tolerant. Contrary to popular belief, Blue Plumbago is not a … Read More

The Maker of Peace
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— If you have ever been to Seminole Canyon SP and visited the Fate Bell Pictograph site, you will have walked right by the bronze statue of The Maker of Peace, by Texas artist Bill Worrell. The sculpture shows a … Read More

Pedernales River
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–A tributary of the Colorado River in Central Texas, the Pedernales River is approximately 106 miles (171 km) long. The river goes through Pedernales Falls State Park, east of Johnson City. Like most rivers in the Hill Country area, the … Read More

Heart & Soul
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— Austin artist Raúl Valdez has been making murals in Austin, Central Texas, and beyond since 1975. So, when the Steve Hicks School of Social Work on the UT Austin campus was moving to its location on San Jacinto Boulevard, … Read More

Chisos Mountains
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— On June 12, 2019, Big Bend NP celebrated its 75th anniversary. Protecting over 450 bird species and 1,200 plant species, the park also encompasses the largest protected area of the Chihuahuan Desert in the USA. No matter which entrance … Read More

Eastern Spotted Whiptail
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— Also known as the Texas Spotted Whiptail (Aspidoscelis gularis), this long-tailed lizard appears not to be afraid of people. We spotted this one at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. It did not shy away from my lens and … Read More

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— A simple stop at an ice cream shop in Port Aransas led me to discover this beautiful flowering shrub. The shop owners had no idea what this shrub was called, but a quick online search provided me the answer … Read More

Portuguese Man-of-War
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— Any time we go to Port Aransas, Texas, walking on the beach is a favorite pastime for us. The scenery is so varied that one can spend a few hours just strolling along and watching wildlife and things washed … Read More

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