Succulent Fruit
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— Is there something familiar when you look at the fruit above? If it does not ring a bell, don’t be fooled by the red fruit you see (there’s also a smaller, green fruit behind the red one on the … Read More

Approaching Storm
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–It is often said that a storm is a photographer’s friend. In our most recent trip to Colorado, we were able to witness that a few times. Luckily, every time we saw nature’s work in progress, we were spared of … Read More

A Role to Play
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— Flies are often seen as pests, but they actually play an important role in the ecosystem. Among those roles, the one they most often associated with is that of a decomposer. They help to break down dead animals and … Read More

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–Although this image was captured in 2001, our beloved pet named Bear still has a strong presence in our lives. He passed away three years after this photo barely a month before his fifteenth birthday. He lived a long and … Read More

Lily Pad Lake
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— For two consecutive years, we have now spent some time in Summit County. We choose that area because of its elevation (9,000 ft/2,743m and higher), lower temperatures in the summer, and excellent hiking trails. This year was our second … Read More

Texas Fences
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The Texas countryside is always very scenic. It doesn’t matter whether you are driving along Hill Country roads or along the Texas Panhandle’s vast landscape, there will always be something to admire. This photo series, for example, appeared before my … Read More

Unbound Architecture
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— Unbound, liberated, unconfined — those are words that come to mind when I think of the architecture in Brazil. Buildings, such as the ones you see in Brasília, the nation’s capital, also clearly give a viewer a sense of … Read More

Living Together, Growing Together
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— I suppose we have all read and/or heard the saying about “can’t see the forest for the trees.” We sometimes get so bogged down with details that we miss what is around us. That was not the case during … Read More

Lower Cataract Lake
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— Lower Cataract Lake is a beautiful lake located in the Eagles Nest Wilderness section of the White River National Forest in Colorado. The lake is about 40 minutes northwest of Silverthorne. We visited this lake and its trail in … Read More

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— Simplicity in nature can be defined as the elegant beauty we see around us, even in the smallest of things. It is that kind of beauty that is unpretentious, uncluttered, and sometimes free of unnecessary complexity. As an example, … Read More

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