
— I have often enjoyed photographing ladybugs, but I have to admit they are not the most cooperative subjects I have photographed. The hardest thing is to get them to stay still. Although I have enjoyed capturing them on different … Read More

Black and White or Monochrome

— According to PhotographyLife website, black and white photography is defined as “the art of using different tones of gray, ranging from white to dark, to create compelling images.” It is not as easy as one might think. A lot … Read More

Baltimore Oriole

— Imagine my surprise when I looked out my kitchen window and noticed a different bird was drinking from the hummingbird feeder. The surprise got even better when I realized I was looking at a couple of Baltimore Orioles. I … Read More

The Rhythm of Life

— In most art forms, primary colors (or “pure colors”) are known to be red, yellow, and blue. They are called primary because they cannot be mixed from other colors. It is from primary colors that we make other colors. … Read More


— Living and learning is a well-known adage that often pops into my routine. That was the case when I was researching about Corvids. I had a vague idea of some of the birds that are in the Corvidae family. … Read More

COTA Faces

— Everyone who knows me is aware I go to nearly all races at the Circuit of the Americas (COTA), here in Austin, Texas. Although I do not know much about cars at all, there is something exhilarating and exciting … Read More

Texas Red Yucca

— A few years ago, we decided to do a major change in our yard. Instead of grass, we began replacing that with native plants. One of the plants we added to our front yard was the Texas Red Yucca. … Read More

A Room with a View

— To look at our ancestors’ lives often provides us with a rewarding experience that teaches us valuable facts about our present lives. Places such as the Alcove House at Bandelier NM are fascinating pieces of history. The Alcove House … Read More

Succulent Fruit

— Is there something familiar when you look at the fruit above? If it does not ring a bell, don’t be fooled by the red fruit you see (there’s also a smaller, green fruit behind the red one on the … Read More

Approaching Storm

–It is often said that a storm is a photographer’s friend. In our most recent trip to Colorado, we were able to witness that a few times. Luckily, every time we saw nature’s work in progress, we were spared of … Read More

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