Turkey Creek Trail
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— Although I’ve lived in Austin for a few decades, I confess I had never explored Emma Long Metropolitan Park. Today, while looking for a new trail to explore, I chose the Turkey Creek Trail. I knew it was going … Read More

Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve
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— Tucked in southwest Austin, just a few minutes from downtown, you can find 227 acres of Hill Country protected land as part of the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve (BCP). Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve is a quiet place that offers beautiful … Read More

Moody Afternoon
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— Tucked in north Austin in Wells Branch, the Mills Pond Recreation Area is a beauty at any time throughout the year, and especially in the fall, when the multi-colored trees paint a vibrant landscape around this lovely pond. The … Read More

Fall Splendor
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— Fall foliage is generally late in Texas, but when it comes, it puts on a fantastic show. I had been waiting for perfect weather that would allow me to spend some time enjoying fall colors in central Texas. After … Read More

Pedernales River
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— So, here we are in October, and high temperatures are still in the upper 90s and even reaching the century mark! What is a guy to do to get fall weather? Well, I have to go back to some … Read More

Bald Cypress Trail
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— Just two years ago (November 2017), that was the scene around Guadalupe River SP. I stopped there on my way back home to take a short hike along the Bald Cypress Trail. Fall foliage was stunning. The trail is … Read More

Hornsby Bend Bird Observatory
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— I first heard about the Hornsby Bend Bird Observatory while watching a weekly TV show from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. I would probably call the observatory an odd combination generating a world of good. Hornsby Bend is … Read More

Southern Walnut Creek
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— Just last November 2018 this was the scene at the Southern Walnut Creek Hike and Bike trail. Fall colors were all over the trail. As we begin Fall 2019, I wonder where we will have a beautiful display of … Read More

Blue Jay
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— With the extremely hot temperatures we are having in Austin this summer, we have been making sure our backyard has ample water for wildlife. We have noticed an increased number of animals taking a break from the heat under … Read More

Blue Plumbago
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— Blue Plumbago is one of those flowers that keep blooming even when we have extreme temperatures and dry conditions. This native plant loves heat and can be quite drought tolerant. Contrary to popular belief, Blue Plumbago is not a … Read More

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