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— As part of a photography class I am taking this year, students receive an assignment every week. Initially, the focus has been on composition. We have to use new photos only, the photos need to be shot on manual … Read More

Reflecting on Austin’s New Icon
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— I have been living in Austin since the mid-1980s. I recall back then that the northernmost point before leaving city limits was around IH-35 and E Highway 290. Not much else was north of there. There were even empty … Read More

First Freeze
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— Texas is truly a mixed bag when it comes to weather. One day we are in shorts and t-shirts, and the next day we experience a freeze. That was the case for the first couple of days in January … Read More

Morning at the Window
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— After a two-year absence, we finally made it back to Big Bend NP in west Texas in early December. Upon arrival at the park, I was concerned whether we’d be able to see views such as the one above. … Read More

Leaving the Chisos
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— After a three-year absence, we finally returned to Big Bend NP the first week in December 2021. We were able to hike some of our favorite trails while also adding new ones. As adventurous and beautiful Big Bend NP … Read More

Colors in Copperfield – Other Colors
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— Sometimes it is good to look at nature without colors. Often colors will get our attention and take away details. In the leaves above, I wanted to see the details our eyes can perceive when we desaturate the scene. … Read More

Colors in Copperfield – Reds, Oranges, Yellows
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— After my arrival at the Copperfield Nature Trail pond, once I saw colors around it (see the first post in this series for a brief introduction), I decided I had to get closer and photograph more of the details. … Read More

Colors in Copperfield
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— In mid-November 2021, I decided to take a quick walk in our neighborhood park, Copperfield Nature Trail (Austin, Texas). If you have been following my photos here for a while, you know this park is one of my favorites. … Read More

Familiar Bluet Damselfly
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— Incoming fast! That was my first impression when I caught this Familiar Bluet (also known as Civil Bluet) damselfly approaching a reed in a small puddle on top of the dome at Enchanted Rock SNA a week ago. I … Read More

Moss Lake
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–When visitors go to Enchanted Rock State Natural Area, it appears they have one thing in their minds: climb to the top of the huge pink granite dome that dominates the park. The main dome, seen in the photo above … Read More

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