Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive
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— Although this photo is over 10 years old, the magic of a sunset on the Chisos Mountains as seen from the Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive is breathtaking. The red and orangeg colors are vibrant and intense giving the Chisos … Read More

Exploring the Nuances of a Single Shade
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When it comes to monochromes, I am relatively new to exploring the nuances of a single shade, whether it is black and white or a different one. I looked at what I have published here and only found thirteen posts … Read More

Feeling Small: The Majesty of Goat Mountain
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This is Goat Mountain, and it can be seen if you take the Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive in Big Bend NP. When I captured this image in 2018, I thought those big clouds added a lot of emotion to the … Read More

At the End of the Day
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It is improbable that you will be at Big Bend NP and have nothing to do. However, if you want to wind down a busy day you had at the park, take a drive along the Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive … Read More

Vernon Bailey Mountain
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— It is undeniable that Big Bend NP has a lot of iconic views and hikes. The park is 1,252 square miles or 801,163 acres. That makes it the fifteenth largest park in the National Park System and the eighth … Read More

Old Maverick Road
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— Big Bend NP is famous for many features. Anyone who visits the park will likely cover highlights that include the Window, the Santa Elena Canyon, Castolon, the Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive, and other areas in the park. It all … Read More

Up Close to Mule Ears
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— If you have ever visited Big Bend NP and taken the Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive, you most likely have seen the shot above — except from the distance. This is the iconic Mule Ears Peak. However, you are only … Read More

Tuff Canyon
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— With the diversity of scenes in Big Bend NP, it is not surprising that areas such as Tuff Canyon are not widely seen in photos of the park. There are lookout points from the Ross Maxwell Scenic Road, and … Read More

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— Looking back at 2017, I often go back to some shots I got while at Big Bend NP. This is another one of those end-of-the-day drives around the park. Here we are at the Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive capturing … Read More

Mule Ears
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— From several areas in Big Bend National Park, and especially along the Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive, Mule Ears can be seen out in the distance. It is an impressive view even if you only admire it from the overlook … Read More

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