I used to zoom to the max back in the day when I got my first camera with a good zoom lens. Of course, I lost a lot of contextual stories. Sometimes zooming in works well, and sometimes not. For the latest Monochrome Madness, Leanne “thought it would be fun to see how images can change if you crop them.” She thought it “would be interesting to see how the story of the image could change if you do this.” So, above is my grand landscape scene of the Chisos Mountains with the Chihuahuan Desert in the foreground. That is a typical Big Bend National Park landscape. Below are the three crops I used to emphasize different sections of the original image.

Although one can still see the clouds, they are not as intense as in the original image. So, what about the next crop?

The cloudscape dominates the view. I also eliminated the foreground vegetation and the Chihuahuan Desert.

Finally, I concentrated on the lechuguillas in the foreground and made the Chisos secondary.
Do you have a favorite?
That is the story behind the shots. If you liked these photos, you might also be interested in other posts featuring Big Bend NP, Chihuahuan Desert, Chisos Mountains, Landscapes, Monochrome Madness, National Parks, and Texas. Until the next time, keep clicking and capturing the beauty your eyes find.
For Leanne’s Monochrome Madness #30 – 1 Image cropped 3 ways.
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Anne Sandler
Great photo Egidio. My favorite is the initial image because it tells the entire story. If I didn’t see the first, then I would choose “Cloud Burst.”
Egidio Leitao
Thank you, Anne. I also like the original image for that reason and for showing the expanse in the park.
I liked the cloud burst one the most. 🙂
Egidio Leitao
Thanks a million, Vicki.
Leanne Cole
It is like it becomes three different images and you look at something different in each photo. I do love the original, those clouds are the focus for me. Great job Egidio.
Egidio Leitao
Thanks for your feedback, Leanne. I appreciate that.
You make an interesting point about how zooming in can sometimes remove the context for an image. I sometimes find that I’ve come away from a place with lots of shots of details but none of the wider setting!
Do I have a favourite here? Yes, I like best your ‘Cloud burst’ shot because of the drama in that sky, even though it does lose some of the desert landscape.
Egidio Leitao
Sarah, thanks for the detailed comments. I used to zoom a lot. Nowadays, if I do it, I always have a wide view, too. Those clouds were the first thing that caught my eye.
Hammad Rais
All are favorites here. Really wonderful
Egidio Leitao
Thanks, Hammad. Glad you liked them.
Dawn M. Miller
My favorite is the first one.
Egidio Leitao
Thanks, Dawn.
Good pics. All are good. I like the first (original) image best.
Egidio Leitao
Thank you, Joanne. That first image is also my favorite.
I definitely love the cloud burst best. It’s a very emotional photo. However, the first one puts the clouds more in context, if that makes sense. To be honest I adore all of them.
Egidio Leitao
Thanks so much for the feedback. Yes, the overall scene is what got my attention.
Bay Photos By Donna
Beautiful cloud drama!!
Egidio Leitao
Thanks. I’m glad you liked them, Donna.
I love the textures. Great monochromes!
Egidio Leitao
Thank you, Nes. Monochromes do render themselves to more textures. I like that, too.
Each one is such a different take but yet each one is wonderful. 😊
Egidio Leitao
Thank you, Pepper.
The cloud bursts for me. Amazing what you can achieve with one photo
Egidio Leitao
Thanks, Alison. The challenge was very intriguing.
Haha I know it took me ages to get this one together, everytime I chose one and cropped it I realised it was blurry
Also I couldn’t decide what editing app to use!
Egidio Leitao
It’s really hard to come up with meaningful crops. I struggled a bit with the challenged, but from the start, I knew I wanted to go with a broad landscape shot. Thanks for writing.