Mystic Woods

Copperfield Nature Trail

— This neighborhood trail is very close to our house (under 2 miles/3 km). I sometimes go biking there and sometimes just walking to appreciate the scenery. In the spring, Copperfield Nature Trail shows a wide variety of native flowers. In the fall, the foliage colors can at times be quite vibrant. This shot was made from three bracketed images back in 2018. The shadows on the creek created a very moody scene. Although fall is not spectacular in Texas, it does seem to exhibit a variety of colors. I like that not everything goes red and yellow. Because of the abundance of Ash Juniper in central Texas, there is always some trees that always stay green. That adds to a color variety as in the shot above. Exactly a year after I made this shot, I went back to the creek (that’s Walnut Creek) to see what it looked like. It is not as pronounced as a year ago, but there was still plenty of color.

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