Monochrome Memories: Brazil’s Coastal Charm

Brazilian Beaches in Monochrome

Brazil is known worldwide for various things, including soccer and coffee. Another feature the country is known for is its long coastal line entirely on the Atlantic Ocean: 4,500 miles or 7,400 kilometers. I could not share all my beach photos in my catalog, but I selected a few to give you a glimpse of some of my favorites.

To answer a fantastic monochrome challenge, I revisited a few images previously shared in my blog and added a monochrome tint for Monochrome Madness. I was having so much fun that I had to stop before things got out of hand. Some of these beaches are crowded, while others hardly have any people. One can be in the city or near paradise, in other words. If you have a favorite, please let me know in the comments. There are two sections here: beaches in and around my hometown of Fortaleza, Brazil, and beaches in other places in Brazil.

Copacabana Beach (Rio de Janeiro)

Copacabana is a bustling and urban beach known for its views, including Sugar Loaf on the horizon.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, you find the beaches in the Fernando de Noronha archipelago, off the northeast coast of Brazil. On some of those beaches, you may be the only person enjoying the warm and comfortable Atlantic Ocean waters.

Praia do Sancho (Fernando de Noronha)

Now, let’s go home, i.e., my hometown of Fortaleza. You can click the images here to see their larger versions. Both of these images are in busy city areas. The first photo is at Fortaleza’s prestigious and historical Iate Club. It is located at one end of the Beira-Mar Avenue. On the opposite end, you will find the following photo of Iracema Beach. Beira-Mar Avenue is the place for beachfront hotels, good restaurants, and people-watching. For more pristine beaches, you should go to the next set.

Iate Club Beach (Fortaleza)
Iracema Beach (Fortaleza)

This next set shows beaches within a 45-minute drive from downtown Fortaleza. There are great hotels and resorts to provide a comfortable stay while allowing unparalleled views of white sandy dunes and quiet ocean beaches. Beach Place is near the enormous Beach Park, one of the largest aquatic parks in the world. At Icaraí Beach, you must get a tour of the dunes on a dune buggy. The views are breathtaking.

Beach Place (Fortaleza)
Icaraí Beach (Fortaleza)

Please let me know if you have a preferred beach in this post. I’d love to hear from you.

Posted for Brian’s beach theme of Leanne’s Monochrome Madness #15.

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25 Responses

  1. Anne Sandler
    | Reply

    Wow, Egidio, you have shown us many beautiful beaches. I don’t have a favorite beach, but I do have a favorite photo–Icaraí Beach (Fortaleza).

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks for the comment and for letting me know your favorite photo.

  2. bushboy
    | Reply

    These are so good Egídio. Very clever to use other than straight B&W monochromes.
    My favourite is Praia do Sancho (Fernando de Noronha) as I am not a fan of crowds.
    Thanks for joining in 😀

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks for the compliment, Brian. You chose a great theme. Like you, I prefer the deserted beaches. Crowds are not my thing either.

  3. nesfelicio
    | Reply

    These are wonderful monochromes, Egidio. I like the way you used the tints/hues.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks, Nes. I wanted each photo to look a tad different based on what color hue the image conveyed to me.

  4. Anita
    | Reply

    My favorite among your amazing photos is Iate Club Beach while the beach I would most like to visit is Icaraí Beach. I would love to ride around there on a dune buggy.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Anita, riding on those sand dunes is a wonderful experience. I did it several times with one of my nephews. Sometimes you can’t see anything but sand all around you. Thanks for the feedback.

  5. Tranature - quiet moments in nature
    | Reply

    Beautiful monochromes Egidio! I especially love Praia do Sancho – I can feel the sun and hear the ocean there – and it looks so peaceful 💙

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Xenia, your choice was perfect. That is one very quiet beach. I loved the times we spent there. Thanks for your comments.

  6. Leanne Cole
    | Reply

    I know that feeling having to stop Egidio. I love how you have shown all the different things you can find on the beach there. Wonderful.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks, Leanne. I’ve set myself a rule not to go over a dozen images.

  7. Toonsarah
    | Reply

    Hard to choose a favourite among these great beach shots! I love the sky above Iracema Beach, but Praia do Sancho or Icarai are the ones I would most like to visit 🙂

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Sarah, I prefer quiet beaches, too. Your choices are mine, too. Thanks for writing.

  8. margaret21
    | Reply

    Such a clever idea to use different monochromes rather than straight b/w. All the beaches are lovely, but it was the sand on Icaraí Beach that won my heart!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      I wanted each image to be different. The color hues were based on how I felt about the image. Thanks for your comment. I agree that the Icaraí sand is magical.

  9. What a beautiful place!
    I wish one day I would visit these places, Egidio.

  10. sandyjwhite
    | Reply

    Love the last two beaches, Egidio.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks for your reply, Sandy. Those last two photos move me, too.

  11. Alison
    | Reply

    Great gallery Egidio, love the tints also. I think the Club Beach is my favourite, looks windy as you’ve captured the palms moving.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks for the compliment and feedback, Alison. Yes, the wind was steady at the end of the day. I’m glad you liked the gallery and tints I used on the monochromes.

      • Alison
        | Reply

        It inspired me to create my gallery

        • Egidio Leitao
          | Reply

          Oh, thank you for telling me that. It’s wonderful when we see photos that inspire us. The same happened to me when I saw several previous post with monochrome beach photos.

  12. Amy
    | Reply

    Beautiful photos of Brazil’s coastal line. Love it!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      I’m happy you liked them, Amy. Thank you.

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