

— This year we became members of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. There are several benefits of such membership, including reciprocal memberships at various other gardens throughout the state and country. There is also specific benefits locally, such as when the Center has its annual plant sale and Christmas event “Luminations.” There are specific days allocated only for members. This was our first year attending “Luminations.” To say that we were impressed by the beauty of the place would be an understatement! There must have been hundreds or thousands of luminarias lighting the path along the grounds. Once you passed the main entrance (see photo below) and got to the courtyard, you had some live music and food/drink stands. Walking the grounds was like being in a fairy tale. Everything was colorful. Sometimes you felt like being in Santa’s toy store. To close the night, we stayed for the mind-blowing dance performance of the group Blue Lapis Light (more about it in another entry). This event is only two weeks in early December.

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center

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