Lens-Artists Challenge #333 – Complementary Colors

AI-Generated Crayons

Since the Lens-Artists Challenge started in 2018, we have had several themes involving colors: warm colors, cool colors, monochromes, colors of autumn, etc. Are we ready to have more fun with colors? Let’s get our crayons and see how we can paint with our cameras and get photos that pop. All you need is to be familiar with complementary colors.

AI-Generated Color Wheel

Complementary colors are those that sit opposite each other on a color wheel. Using them in your photography creates the best color contrast, and your images pop. For example, red and green, magenta and green, yellow and violet, orange and blue, and so on. The colors do not need to be precisely diametrical opposites. Just like the color wheel transitions from one shade to another, you can use nearly opposite colors to make your images stand out. Naturally, the best results will be with exact opposites.

I will give you a few examples I have found in nature. You may see more in different areas.

The dark orange tones in Caprock Canyons State Park strongly contrast with the green vegetation in the area.

Caprock Canyons State Park

Here are three others. Feel free to click on the images to see them in full size. Do the colors pop?

Prairie Verbena & Yellow Sneezeweed
Four O’Clock Flower
Red Admiral on Mealy Blue Sage

Last week, Ritva got us to shoot from above. I enjoyed seeing your images and creative juices present in those beautiful photos. This week, I ask that you share images with complementary colors that create interest and make your photos stand out. It may be second nature to you, but feel free to use the color wheel above to see if the colors in your images are complementary. Don’t forget to use the “lens-artists” hashtag when creating your post so we can easily find it in the Reader.

Next week, Tina returns with her first new challenge for the year. It will go live at noon EST in the USA. Tune in to find out another exciting challenge. Please see this page to learn more about the Lens-Artists Challenge and its history.

Those are the stories behind the shots. If you liked these photos, you might also be interested in other posts featuring Caprock Canyons SP, Four O’Clock flower, Landscapes, Lens-Artists, Mealy Blue Sage, Monochrome, Prairie verbena, Red Admiral, Wildflowers, and Wildlife. Until the next time, keep clicking and capturing the beauty your eyes find.

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95 Responses

  1. Great post Egídio, love the landscape, beautiful. Nature has its way of making flowers and nature pop.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you, Ritva. We don’t have to look far to see what nature is giving us.

  2. JohnRH
    | Reply

    Ooooh, you’re going to make me THINK! Great theme, great photos, exploring COMPLEMENTS. I’m sure you will get lots of COMPLIMENTS!

  3. Anne Sandler
    | Reply

    What a great and essential theme Egidio! Colors are so much a part of our composing a photo. I’m going to dive into the archives and get back to you later today.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks for the feedback, Anne. I look forward to seeing your discoveries.

  4. PR
    | Reply

    Beautiful! Nature is the greatest artist 😀..

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      PR, you said it best! I totally agree. Thanks.

  5. Rupali
    | Reply

    Wonderful theme and your explanation, Egidio. Also beautiful images.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Rupali, many thanks for your compliment. I appreciate that.

      • Rupali
        | Reply

        Thanks for the colour chart.

  6. Pingback: […] Posted for Egídio’s Lens-Artists Challenge […]

  7. restlessjo
    | Reply

    They do indeed ‘pop’, Egidio. Nature’s perfection.

  8. Terri Webster Schrandt
    | Reply

    Photographing in complementary colors is a great challenge this week, Egidio! I love the orange and blue of the canyon, as well as the gorgeous florals. I’m sure this will keep you busy all week 😉

    I’ll join you tomorrow with my collection of birds for my Sunday Stills challenge. Hope you can join me, too!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you so much for this wonderful feedback, Terri.

  9. Wandering Dawgs
    | Reply

    Egidio, thank you for challenging us with a great theme. I love your examples from nature. The ping four o’clock flower with the green leaves in the background is my favorite.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you, Beth, for this feedback. I was so surprised the first time I saw the four o’clock flowers. They stood out with that color contrast.

  10. Marina
    | Reply

    Great challenge and your photos are beautiful.
    Mine is here: https://inprimopianophoto.wordpress.com/2025/01/25/complementary/

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks for the compliment, Marina. I left a note in your post.

  11. Vicki
    | Reply

    Love your examples and the challenge this week.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Vicki, thank you for the feedback. The challenge is a bit technical, but I think there’ll be excellent images.

  12. Alison
    | Reply

    Beautiful photo of the butterfly

  13. norasphotos4u
    | Reply

    I love the butterfly and purple flowers with yellow background

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you, Nora. That seems to be a favorite so far. I appreciate your feedback.

  14. Marianne
    | Reply

    This was a fun challenge!


    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks for your feedback, Marianne. I appreciate that. I left my comment in your post, too.

  15. Dawn M. Miller
    | Reply

    Wonderful examples!
    That canyon image is exquisite!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you, Dawn. I love hiking in that park. Glad you liked the canyon photo.

  16. Beautiful Crayons and lovely flowers with perfect background complimentary colours!

  17. Ana
    | Reply

    I love the challenge. A very interesting topic, I’ll see what I can prepare.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      So glad you liked it, Ana. I look forward to your post.

  18. Stupidity Hole
    | Reply

    That Caprock Canyons photo is quite nice.
    Everything in it is balanced well, and it also doesn’t feel as large as I imagine it is, which is something I find curious.

    Here’s mine for this one:


    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks for the comment. The canyon is not very large, but those rock formations stand out. It’s a nice hike. Thanks for sending your link, too. I left a note there. Your complementary color image is stunning!

  19. Leanne Cole
    | Reply

    Interesting post Edigio, had me stumped a bit.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks, Leanne. I’m sure you will amaze us with your response.

  20. eklastic
    | Reply

    Wonderful photos, Egido. I particularly like the first one with the ochre rocks against the green shrubery. I’ve been playing around a bit and taken a different approach: https://picturesimperfectblog.com/2025/01/26/complimentary-art/

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you for your compliments. I left a comment in your post. That was a wonderful response.

  21. PR
    | Reply

    So finally, here’s my entry 🙂 – https://flightsofthesoul.wordpress.com/2025/01/26/lens-artists-333-complementary-colors/

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      PR, what a great response you provided! I’ll leave my comments on your post.

      • PR
        | Reply

        Thanks very much 🙂..

  22. Sofia Alves
    | Reply

    Inspirational post, Egídio. Your nature photos are always so vibrant and full of life. I love them.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you, Sofia. Also thanks for your fantastic post!

  23. Marie
    | Reply

    Great photos. I can see the text in the Reader view but on the actual post the block text fades into the blue background and is hard to see. I will have to find it in my reader feed.

    • Marie
      | Reply

      And strangely it just changed to yellow. And I can read it. Is the background running through colors? Just ignore comment if I am just tired. 🙂

      • Egidio Leitao
        | Reply

        Marie, thank you for the comments. I don’t know what was happening when you mentioned a blue background. The light yellow background is what I used on the blog. I’m glad the problem went away.

  24. Toonsarah
    | Reply

    Thank you for this Egidio – it’s a concept I knew about vaguely but hadn’t properly explored or considered in terms of photography! Your colours do certainly pop 🙂

    Interestingly I realised part way through preparing my response that the colour wheel I found looked a little different to yours, but the principle still worked and I hope I came up with some suitable images: https://www.toonsarah-travels.blog/gallery-colours-that-complement/

    • Toonsarah
      | Reply

      I forgot to say, my favourite of your shots is the Prairie Verbena & Yellow Sneezeweed – I love the shallow depth of field and the way you’ve framed it. And what a great name for a plant!

      • Egidio Leitao
        | Reply

        Sarah, thank you for the compliment. It’s much appreciated. I loved your post and left my comments there. As for the yellow sneezeweed flower, it’s such an appropriate name. 🙂

  25. Terri Webster Schrandt
    | Reply

    Happy Sunday, Egidio! I managed to add a few complementary colors to some bird pics this week. Here’s mine:


    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Terri, thanks for the note and link. I left my comments in your post. I loved those photos.

  26. tgeriatrix
    | Reply


    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks for the link. I left my comment in your post.

  27. Pingback: […] lens-artists photo challenge […]

  28. robert heft
    | Reply

    hello egidio,

    a wonderful theme you have chosen for us, the pictures each have something special about them and i really like that about them.
    here is my contribution to the challenge, https://wp.me/pfnz9O-Bh.

    many greetings robert

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Robert, thanks for your kind words. Also, thanks for joining the challenge. I’ll post my comment on your post.

  29. Tranature - quiet moments in nature
    | Reply

    A beautiful series of complementary colours Egidio! My contribution for this week’s lovely challenge is here: https://tranature.com/2025/01/26/silent-sunday-one-day-in-findochty/

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Xenia, thank you for your compliment and your addition to the complementary color challenge. I left my comments on your post.

  30. Tina Schell
    | Reply

    Well Egidio, you’ve certainly gotten some wonderful feedback thus far, and deservedly so!! I loved both your challenge and your post. I especially liked that you included the color wheel as your opening image. And of course your photography is outstanding as always. Looking forward to some terrific responses.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Tina, thank you for your kind words. I appreciate the feedback.

  31. Brad
    | Reply

    What a fun and colorful challenge Egidio! Your nature photos are beautiful examples of complimentary colors. The first one of the canyon is gorgeous made better by the blue sky as strong compliment to the rust canyons.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Brad, I’m thankful for your kind words and feedback. Hope you’re well.

  32. thesimlux
    | Reply

    Beautiful palettes of colors! 😊

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks for your compliment. I appreciate that.

  33. klara
    | Reply

    fun challenge. lovely images – nature at its best.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks for the feedback. I left a comment on your page, too. Great entry there!

  34. I. J. Khanewala
    | Reply

    Nice challenge with some lovely illustrations. Flowers come out very nicely with these contrasts, but your landscape also shows others ways to use the idea.

    My efforts here: https://anotherglobaleater.wordpress.com/2025/01/27/nature-artifice/

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you kindly, I.J. I very much appreciate this feedback. I commented on your post, too.

  35. Sue
    | Reply

    Very good, Egidio, some great examples! My post will be later…

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks so much, Sue. I appreciate the feedback and will look forward to your response.

  36. photobyjohnbo
    | Reply

    Wow! I’m the 75th commenter on your post… is there a prize? >grin< What a fun challenge! So colorful. I’m a bit behind in responses to this challenge, but I’ve got my response ready to publish on Thursday.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Well, John, that number includes my responses. It’s still pretty good. I’m enjoying seeing how the post resonates with each person. As for the prize, we’ll have to wait for the 75th responder. 🙂

      • photobyjohnbo
        | Reply

        I thought about your responses only after I sent my comment! 😀
        I await your prize announcement!

  37. Leya
    | Reply

    So, so wonderful, Egidio! Your photography is always breathtakingly beautiful – in this post is no exception. Loved every piece of it!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Ann-Christine, thank you for your wonderful remarks. I appreciate your support.

  38. Lindy Le Coq
    | Reply

    Excellent challenge and beautiful examples, Egídio. I especially like the Prairie Verbena & Yellow Sneezeweed, and Red Admiral on Mealy Blue Sage. Here’s my addition to the fun! https://lindylecoq.com/2025/01/28/lens-artists-challenge-333-complementary-colors/

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Lindy, thank you for the feedback and for sending your link. I just left a note there.

  39. Sue
    | Reply

    Well, I’ve finally put post together , Egidio: https://suejudd.com/2025/01/28/lens-artists-challenge-333-complementary-colours/

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks for joining the challenge, Sue. I just left a comment for your approval.

  40. Pepper Tron
    | Reply

    Your examples are beautiful so I went the same route. https://heavenssunshine.com/colors-shapes-and-light/

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you for your feedback and link. I wrote a comment on your beautiful post.

  41. norasphotos4u
    | Reply

    Here is mine for the week

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you for joining the challenge. I left my comments in your post.

  42. Patricia Moed
    | Reply

    You certainly have an eye for color, Egidio! What vivid and lovely images. I’m sorry I couldn’t join your challenge this week. You certainly had a wonderful response!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Patti, thanks for your feedback. I don’t shy away from vibrant colors. 🙂 Enjoy your trip!

  43. Patricia Moed
    | Reply

    I’m not sure my first comment went through….so here we go again! You certainly have an eye for color, Egidio,. Beautiful images, as always. I’m sorry I couldn’t join you this week, but we’re still on the road. You certainly inspired plenty of people this week!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      I’m glad several people joined the challenge. Thanks.

I'd love hearing back from you. Let me know if you have any questions or something is not working on the site.