Lens-Artists Challenge #285: Warm Colors

Somewhere in the Texas Hill Country

Have you ever thought about your images’ impact on viewers based on your photos’ color schemes? If you search online for color psychology, you will find several articles and studies on the subject.

For this week’s challenge, I invite you to look at your photos or capture new images showing how warm colors appear in your world and their emotional significance to you. Hopefully, the images I share here will spark your imagination. Tell us how your images made you feel when you captured them. You can concentrate on a single color or show a variety of colors, but please make warm colors the main focus of your post.

What are warm colors?

Although the classic warm colors are red, orange, and yellow, related hues include gold, beige, creamy neutrals, brown, and tan. Think of warm colors as sunshine, for example.

Warm colors bring warmth, energy, and vibrancy to a photo. They tend to pop out at you. When I spotted this scene, I was drawn to its warmth in the same manner those pelicans were flying toward the sunlight.

Three Amigos
Love is in the air

Warm colors may also evoke passion, love, joy, and excitement. A few years ago, I could not help but feel love in the air with this Christmas display.

Warm colors also make a photo feel cozy and welcoming. The subtle tan hues and how cozy these two French bulldogs nestle around each other made me feel warm and protected.

Merli & Nico

Even in marketing, companies take advantage of warm colors to help sell their products. We do not think about it, but maybe Ferrari has known this all along.


Warm colors are also found in architecture. Look at this view inside the LBJ Presidential Library in Austin, Texas. As large as it is, the library feels more intimate because of the warm tones in the room.

LBJ Presidential Library

When it comes to nature, there are plenty of warm colors around. Flowers, wildlife, and autumn foliage are just a few examples.

Foliage on Gothic Road

Using warm colors

How can you grab warm colors to make your photos more eye-popping? Besides the examples shown, here are some ideas:

  1. Catch the golden hour, that magic time around sunrise and sunset.
  2. Focus on details like a macro or a single wildflower.
  3. A slight touch of warm color can draw attention and impact your photos.
  4. Use your imagination and creativity!
Black-eyed Susan

Sofia challenged us to think about day and night for last week’s challenge. You responded with wonderful images of a day’s cycle. I especially loved the variety of excellent interpretations you displayed and your exceptional creativity. Your photos were beautiful and provided a great response to that challenge. Join us next week when Anne introduces a new challenge.

If you join us this week, comment below and use the hashtag “lens-artists” in your post. That helps all viewers easily find posts for each challenge. This page has more information about the Lens-Artists Challenge and its history.

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181 Responses

  1. André
    | Reply

    Very nice, Egídio.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      What a terrific post, André! Your lesson about WB and color temperature was very informative. I’ll post my expanded comments in your wonderful response. Thank you.

  2. André
    | Reply

    I love your sunsets. Both, the opener as well as the three gulls. 👍

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      André, much gratitude for your comment. Not being a morning person, sunsets are easier for me to capture. The one with the three pelicans was an exception: it is a sunrise. When I travel, I sometimes do get up early, especially when I’m on the beach. Thanks again.

  3. JohnRH
    | Reply

    Great theme, GREAT great photos. Texas Hill, Frenchie, and Ferrari are among my many faves. (Website login was a bit difficult. I’ve never seen one that offered a QR code before. I think I’m in now. 🤷‍♂️ )

  4. Brad
    | Reply

    I love your images and challenge to notice and use warm colors Egidio. The sunset is stunning, the library conveys warmth, and the dogs feel cozy. I can’t wait to see all the warm photos from the group.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Brad, thanks for your feedback. I appreciate your kind words.

  5. Wandering Dawgs
    | Reply

    Your images are breathtaking!! I love the three amigos. Thank you for this challenge.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Beth, I am so glad you liked the challenge theme. Thank you for your warm and complimentary words about the post and photos.

  6. photo robert
    | Reply

    hello egidio

    a wonderful theme and photos you have chosen for this week. i especially like the 1st, 2nd and 6th photo.
    here is my entry for this weeks challenge, https://wp.me/pfnz9O-77.

    many greetings robert

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Robert, thank you for the feedback. I just looked at your post. Wow! Those macros are gorgeous. I left you a comment there. Thank you.

  7. restlessjo
    | Reply

    Those skies are sublime, Egidio, and I love the soft warmth of the pelican scene. Basking in warm colours here. Have a great week!

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Jo, much gratitude for your note and compliment. I appreciate your kind words. Enjoy your weekend! Thanks.

  8. JohnRH
    | Reply

    And another: https://fairplay740.wordpress.com/2024/02/03/lens-artists-challenge-285-warm-colors-pt-2/

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Your joy in traveling is crystal clear. More terrific photos, John. Thank you.

  9. Sofia Alves
    | Reply

    This post is you, Egídio. Your sunsets are beautiful, as are the trees on Gothic Road but for me, Merli & Nico are the absolute winners this week. There’s a mellow warmth to them that really made me smile and feel all cozy. Lovely 😀
    Here is mine:

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Sofia, thanks for your kind and warm words. Merli is very dear to our heart. He’s my youngest nephew’s dog. Merli is a joy to be around. Nico is his brother. I’m glad you liked the photos. Thanks for submitting a response. I better go check it out and be amazed. I know I will.

  10. Dawn M. Miller
    | Reply

    Stunning images!

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Dawn, I’m thankful for your feedback. I’m glad you liked the photos.

  11. PR
    | Reply

    Perfect for still wintery and grey days Egidio 😀. Love the shots. The sunset is spectacular!
    My entry here:

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      PR, I’m so glad the warm colors help us stay warm in the winter. Thanks for the feedback and link to your marvelous post.

  12. Wind Kisses
    | Reply

    Thank you for this fantastic and engaging challenge, Egidio. Your stamp of excellence shines in all the photos and I love the way you presented it. Warm colors, do indeed, generate feelings as you so eloquently share. The coziness of Merli and Nico makes me want to snuggle in with them. And I love the simple elegance of the Black-eyed Susan. I think what makes the post so grand, in addition to the photos, is the variations you provide to inspire all of us. Well done, my friend. So glad you have joined us.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Donna, once again thanks for the warm welcome. I also thank you for your kindness and friendship. As I mentioned to Sofia, Merli is very dear to us. He’s my youngest nephew’s dog. We love being around him when we visit my nephew and his wife. Nico is Merli’s brother. Thank you for the compliment. I’m happy you enjoyed the post and photos.

  13. Anne Sandler
    | Reply

    I love warm colors and your images are simply beautiful Egidio! Congratulations on an amazing first challenge. The sunset and your dogs are my favorites. Yes, wonderful!

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Anne, thank you so much for your feedback and compliment. It’s so nice to be a part of this team. Merli is my youngest nephew’s dog. We love when we visit my nephew and spend time with Merli. Nico is Merli’s brother.

  14. bushboy
    | Reply

    So much to love about this post Egidio, the pelicans at sunrise, sunsets. The Bulldog photo looks like a painting 🙂

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Brian, I appreciate your comment. Thank you very much.

  15. Tina Schell
    | Reply

    A gorgeous post and a fun challenge this week Egidio! My favorites are the bulldogs and the black-eyed susan. But I loved them all. It will be fun to see this week’s responses. By the week’s end we should all be feeling warm all over!!

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Tina, I hope your wishes do come true. I’m glad you liked the photos, especially the bulldogs. Merli is my youngest nephew’s dog. We love when we see all of them.

  16. pattimoed
    | Reply

    What a wonderful post, Egidio. Your photos are gorgeous and truly inspiring. 🙂 Of course I was drawn to the French bulldogs (I’m a big dog fan) as well as your brillant 3 amigos shot and that stunning black-eyed Susan. You’ve explained the impact of “warmth” beautifully in words and images.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Patti, thanks for your reassuring feedback. I appreciate that. I’m a dog fan, too. Merli is my nephew’s dog. Nico is his brother. Thanks again for your comment.

  17. eklastic
    | Reply

    I love the photo of the three pelicans (at least I think that’s what they are) and the two dogs. But the colours in all your photos are spot on, a wonderful antidote for grey winter weather (although crisp winter weather has its merits, too!)

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thanks so much for your feedback. You got it right: those are pelicans. I am really happy that the colors are helping everyone experiencing winter, as we are in the north hemisphere. I appreciate your feedback.

  18. eklastic
    | Reply

    Of course, I forgot – just in case the pingback let me down: https://picturesimperfectblog.wordpress.com/2024/02/03/from-wholesome-to-hurtful/

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Wow! What a gorgeous flower bouquet you chose to start your post. That’s a beautiful bouquet. And speaking of bouquets, the bokeh and depth of field in the vineyard photo are stunning. Your photos captured warm colors beautifully!

      • eklastic
        | Reply

        Thank you. I’m glad you like my pics – particularly since it’s your first prompt for LAPC. It was a difficult one – because it meant picking and leaving out.

        • Egídio Leitão
          | Reply

          I had the same issues while selecting what to include and leave out. I did not want my post to be an endless gallery of photos.

          • eklastic

            For me it’s actually a good exercise to cull photos (also, sometimes, to cull words).

  19. Marina
    | Reply

    I love the dogs and the yellow trees.
    My entry is here https://deoculomeo.wordpress.com/2024/02/03/orange-2/

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Marina, thank you so much for your feedback. I’m looking forward to seeing your post.

  20. pattimoed
    | Reply

    Hi Egidio. I really enjoyed your challenge! I’m back with a link to my post:


    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Patti, thank you so much for your feedback. I can hardly wait to see your post.

  21. pattimoed
    | Reply

    Hi Egidio. I’m back again with a link to my post. I really enjoyed your challenge! I didn’t see my pingback, so I’m posting it here.


    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      The pingback probably was delayed. Thanks for the link.

      • pattimoed
        | Reply

        I’m glad you got it! Thanks!

        • Egídio Leitão
          | Reply

          Pingbacks are enabled in all my posts and site, but somehow they are not showing up on comments.

      • JohnRH
        | Reply

        Just curious, but I don’t see ANY pingbacks in the comments, only links that users have manually inserted. Do you have pingbacks enabled, or do you choose not to?

        • Egídio Leitão
          | Reply

          John, I have checked and re-checked all settings for pingbacks. I have always had pingbacks and trackbacks enabled in my site. I looked again to make sure it had not changed. I’m baffled as to why pingbacks are not showing. It may be time (a little late, though) to check with the folks in WP. Any other suggestions are welcome.

  22. Marina
    | Reply

    I love the photo of the dogs and the one of the yellow trees.
    My entry is here https://deoculomeo.wordpress.com/2024/02/03/orange-2/
    Sorry if this is a duplicate post: commented earlier but I don’t see it….

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Sometimes WP is a bit slow — or I was out of the house. When there’s a link in a post, it may require my approval. Sorry for the glitch.

  23. Khürt Williams
    | Reply


    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      That’s very kind of you, Khürt. I appreciate your comment.

  24. Yanti
    | Reply

    beautiful photos, Egidio!
    the French bulldogs are a perfect example of warm colors and also exuding warm fuzzy feelings <3

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Yanti, I’m happy you liked the photos. I agree with your comment about the dogs’ photo. Thanks for the feedback.

  25. Teresa
    | Reply

    Your examples are just magnificent. Here is my entry https://wanderingteresa.com/warm-colours-in-nature/

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thank you so much, Teresa. I am happy you liked the examples. I am going to your post now.

  26. margaret21
    | Reply

    What a splendid challenge, and you’ve set the bar high with your shots. I may or may not be able to join in. I don’t know why coming back from holiday is such an impossibly busy time, but somehow … it is.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thank you so much, Margaret. I hope you get plenty of rest. Maybe you will find time to post one single photo. Enjoy! Like you, we always feel like we need another vacation after coming back from a vacation.

      • margaret21
        | Reply

        Battling with blockades in France didn’t help. One photo sounds like a plan. I’ll see what I can do – thanks!

  27. Anonymous
    | Reply

    I think you’ve some rather lovely examples of warm colour here, all spread across nice subjects.

    Here’s mine for this one:


    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thank you kindly for your feedback. I’m glad the examples in my post inspired your response. I’ll go check out your blog.

  28. Anonymous
    | Reply

    Here is my small contribution to this challenge: https://chava61.wordpress.com/2024/02/04/lens-artists-photo-challenge-285-warm-colors/

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thank you so much for sending the link. I appreciate your comment.

  29. Amy
    | Reply

    Beautiful selections for your warm color theme, Egidio! The sky images are spectacular. The rest are all beautifully captured. Love the last one. 🙂

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Amy, thanks for the compliment. I appreciate your comments.

  30. Ingrid
    | Reply

    Beautiful images perfectly depicting warm colors. I love the Texas Hill Country. Fredericksburg was on our short list of places to settle down. Alas, we chose AZ due to family.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Ingrid, thank you for your feedback. It’s nice to hear your thoughts about the Texas Hill Country. Thanks for the comments.

  31. Shelley@QuaintRevival.com
    | Reply

    Your examples take us on a journey of breath-taking, awe, awwww as in doggie cuddles, heart-warming moments, and smiles, even on the car, plus the simplicity of one color of yellow seen from a distance and up close. So many moments to warm us all. Well done! Thanks for the inspiration and for hosting this week’s challenge. Here’s my link as I don’t think it appeared yet (it’s hit or miss, this week it showed up on 3 other blogs, but not yours.) 🤷🏻‍♀️ https://www.quaintrevival.com/how-i-happily-stumbled-upon-my-word-for-2024-only-one-month-late/

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Shelley, I’m so thankful for your kind words. I truly appreciate your feedback and compliment. As for the pingbacks appearing on WP, I don’t know what is happening. I have pingbacks enabled (always had) and nothing is coming up. Thanks for adding the link.

      • Shelley@QuaintRevival.com
        | Reply

        You’re welcome!
        I have the pingback issues often. It’s a joy when they all work and it’s nice to be welcomed to share a link when they don’t.

  32. Andrew Seal
    | Reply

    I can feel the warmth Egidio 😊

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Andrew, thank you for the response. I hope you will join in with your image(s), too.

  33. Tranature - quiet moments in nature
    | Reply

    Gorgeous images Egidio! The Texas Hill Country captures are especially beautiful and I love the way Merli and Nico’s fur catches the light 😊

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Xenia, I am happy you liked the variety of images. Thank you so much for your comments. About Merli and Nico, I’m so glad I got the moment in my camera.

  34. sandyjwhite
    | Reply

    I love warm colors and your gallery illustrates them so well!

    • Egidio
      | Reply

      Thanks for your comment, Sandy. I hope you’ll join in with your image(s). Please note that pingbacks don’t seem to be working. So, feel free to add the link here if you join. Thank you.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Sandy, I’m thankful that you liked the examples. Thanks for your comment, too.

  35. Leanne Cole
    | Reply

    Great challenge Egidio.

  36. Anonymous
    | Reply

    Interesting challenge. I loved “Three amigos” for the interesting moment you captured, “Merli and Nico” not just for the portrait but the warm browns, the black eyed Susan for the exquisite details. Did the colours determine my reaction? For “Merli and Nico” the colour was definitely part of the attraction. For the others, I couldn’t say.

    Here is my response: https://anotherglobaleater.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/gold-under-annapurna/

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      I.J., thank you for your comments and the link to your wonderful post. I’m happy you liked Merli & Nico and the Three Amigos photos. Thank you.

  37. Tra Italia e Finlandia
    | Reply

    Ciao Egidio, mi ero persa questo tuo post. Mi ero persa qualcosa di bello! Complimenti per le foto e grazie per le spiegazioni. Buona settimana!

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Grazie mille per il tuo commento e complimento, Luisella. L’ho apprezzato moltissimo. Buona settimana anche a te.

  38. Tomi Rovira
    | Reply

    Magnífic post, totes les imatges tenen una qualitat extraordinària. Felicitats !

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Tomi, many thanks for your kind remarks. I appreciated them.

  39. 100 Country Trek
    | Reply

    These are an amazing images . Anita

  40. 100 Country Trek
    | Reply

    Thanks for your an amazing images .

  41. Tish Farrell
    | Reply

    What a very gorgeous gallery of warmth, Egidio. And very lovely of you to choose such a theme for those of us in chilly climes to ponder on. Most spirit-lifting.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Tish, I’m so glad you liked the theme. It has also helped me stay warm here in Texas. Thanks for your contribution and comment here. I just left my comments in your post.

  42. Anonymous
    | Reply

    congratulations on your first lens-artist challenge Egidio. your photos are stunning especially the big sky sunset and the three pelicans flying across the ocean scene. and of course, i couldn’t help but stare at the beautiful Ferrari!

    • Archer
    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Archer, your feedback is meaningful and so important to me. I am happy to hear that your liked the challenge and the photos I posted. Thank you for your feedback. I hope you’ll join in.

  43. Anonymous
    | Reply

    I can’t see any pingbacks on your post. The only links are those which are there in the comments. Is it just me?

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      No, it’s not you. No matter how much I have tried, pingbacks are not workin. I have had them enabled since my site’s launch. It is very unfortunate to say the least. I’ve contacted WP, but their customer support is dismal.

  44. Toonsarah
    | Reply

    Great to have you join the Lens Artists team and with such an inspiring first theme 🙂 I love a colour challenge! Your photos are wonderful, I especially love the light in the bulldogs shot, the beautiful Three Amigos, and that macro of the Black-eyed Susan. Here’s my contribution: https://www.toonsarah-travels.blog/gallery-getting-warmer/

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thanks for the welcoming words, Sarah. I also appreciate your feedback and link to your post. Thank you.

  45. tgeriatrix
    | Reply


    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thank you so much for joining in the challenge.

  46. Sorry for the late comment, I have been busy during the weekend. And lazy uptil now. the header is glorious, what a absolutely gorgeous display of warm colors. Your post shows a great diversity in topics with warm colors, skillfully taken sharp images. the header and the last flower shot are my favorites. Ferrari, well yes. Kimi Räikkönen is the last driver to win the F1 championship with Ferrari 🙂 He has a summer house in Kirkkonummi where I live, so nearly a neighbor 😂

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Ritva, you often make me laugh with your wonderful sense of humor. Thanks for the comments and compliment. I also liked your note about Kimi. I once saw him up close during a Formula 1 event here in Austin. So, that makes me almost like having visited you!

      • I just remembered, kimi,s dad worked with my brother in law 😊 I hadn’t thought about that for years

  47. Sylvia Bacon
    | Reply

    This is a great post, Egido! Your examples of warm colors are perfect plus your tips on how to catch these colors are very helpful. I love the beautiful picture of your two French bulldogs! The soft lighting really sets the mood and the dogs have such wonderful expressions on their faces. Here is my post https://mycolorfulexpressions.com/lens-artists-photo-chllenge-285-warm-colours/ . Thank you for a great topic.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Sylvia, thank you so much for the kind words and feedback. I am happy that you liked the challenge and posted your link here. I’ll go look at it now.

  48. Marsha
    | Reply

    Hi Egidio, Thanks for this lovely challenge. I love the bull dogs. That is the coziest picture – warmth not only in colors but in composition. 🙂 I also love the micro flower with the green background. Just beautiful. I’ll have a link in my Wednesday Quote Challenge tomorrow. See you soon. 🙂

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Marsha, thank you so much for your compliment. I’m happy you liked the post and the challenge. I’ll look forward to your post tomorrow.

      • Marsha
        | Reply

        Thank you. I have never seen an a written with a tilde over it. How do you say it? I guess it is Portuguese.

        • Egídio Leitão
          | Reply

          The “ã” is typical of Portuguese, Marsha. I’m originally from Brazil — as you might have guessed by my blog title. The tilde makes the vowel sound nasal.

          • Marsha

            It sounds like it is lovely. I speak both French and Spanish – not well, but passably. Once a Portuguese radio station was on while I was driving. It made me crazy trying to understand it. I would catch a familiar word in either French or Spanish, then the rest was impossible to understand. I strained my brain trying. It’s never been the same since! 🙂

          • Egídio Leitão

            What you have experienced, Marsha, is a great example of Portuguese: to my ears it also sounds like Spanish and French. Those nasal sounds you hear in French is what was throwing you off in Portuguese. We have those same sounds.

          • Marsha

            It’s very beautiful, but super confusing only because I have a minute amount of knowledge. 🙂

  49. Leya
    | Reply

    A flying start, Egidio! And sorry I am late as usual…but life is turbulent and has been for a long time. I am here, though, and loving your warmth and colours. This is a fantastic theme and a gorgeous post – as always from you. Excellent photography and they are all my favourites – Texas Hill and your dogs I believe are the warmest ones to my heart! Excellent light work and of course I must mention your aspen trees(?), our birch trees also turn into gold in the autumn. A super start – and I didn’t expect anythin less ♥

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Ann-Christine, comments such as your are a joy to read. I’m so glad you liked the theme and post. Thanks, in particular, for the feedback on the dogs and Hill Country photos. You are correct: those are aspen trees in Colorado. Thank you for the warm welcome!

  50. Terri Webster Schrandt
    | Reply

    What a great theme this week, as many of us in the northern hemisphere are looking at landscapes full of snow or cold, gray days, that don’t have an ounce of warmth to be seen! I’m sharing a couple of warm color shots of Antelope Canyon for Wordless Wednesday tomorrow. Thank you for co-hosting L-A, Egidio!

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Terri, thank you very much for your comments. For me, this theme also brought some much needed warmth. I’m looking forward to your Antelope Canyon photos. I loved visiting those canyons a few years ago. I almost used one of our photos in the challenge.

      • Terri Webster Schrandt
        | Reply

        How cool you visited Antelope Canyon! I’m sure you will enjoy these pics. I shared a few more in other posts. Have a great evening!

  51. Rebecca Cuningham
    | Reply

    Great examples of warm colors. Love the heart walk and the cuddle dogs! I look forward to joining in on your warm color challenge on Thursday.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Obrigado, Rebecca. I’ll look forward to your post. Thanks for your feedback about the challenge.

  52. sandyjwhite
    | Reply

    Hi Egidio!
    Here’s my entry: https://outofmywritemind.com/2024/02/06/naturally-warm/

  53. Inside the Mind of Isadora
    | Reply

    I think the heart arches are spectacular. The photo fits so well for this LOVE month.
    This was a great challenge. Thank you for creating it for us.
    Isadora 😎


    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Isadora, your feedback is very much appreciated. The heart arches was a display during a Christmas event here in town. Indeed it is appropriate for this Valentine’s month. Thank you for the comments and link. I’m happy you are participating in the challenge.

      • Inside the Mind of Isadora
        | Reply

        It must have been a beautiful walk through the arches. February is my favorite month because of Valentine’s day. It’s the romantic in me. It doesn’t hurt to have a hubby who has given me his heart for 57 years. I’m happy you enjoyed my comment.
        Isadora 😎

  54. carabeinsplash
    | Reply

    Oh my! That sunset! It must’ve been unbelievable in person! I really, really love the photo of the dogs though. It’s really beautiful with that lighting. Great job!
    I guess I need to put my link here for my participation: https://sprawly.wordpress.com/2024/02/06/l-ac-warm-colors/

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thank you for your kind words about my post. I’m happy you answered the challenge with your great images. I’m sorry WP is having a fit and not allowing pingbacks.

  55. anjum wasim dar
    | Reply

    stunning captures -amazing

  56. Terri Webster Schrandt
    | Reply

    As promised, here is my link sporting the warmth of Antelope Canyon (even though it was a cold morning) 😉 https://secondwindleisure.com/2024/02/07/wordlesswednesday-in-or-out-up-or-down/

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Terri, you are so thoughtful. Thanks for posting the link here. My pingbacks are not working.

      • Terri Webster Schrandt
        | Reply

        I’ve gotten used to these problems, but its always best to add the link in a comment, as I instruct for my Sunday Stills challenge. Always nice to chat with you, Egidio 🙂

  57. Rupali
    | Reply

    OMG, your opening image is just terrific and an interesting theme.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thanks for the compliment and feedback, Rupali. I appreciated that.

  58. norasphotos4u
    | Reply

    Great topic – here is my post for the week

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thank you for the feedback, Nora. I appreciate your words and your joining the challenge. I just looked at your post and left a comment there.

  59. Pepper Tron
    | Reply

    What great examples of warm colors. Here is my contribution- https://heavenssunshine.com/natures-warmth-in-colors/

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Pepper, thank you so much for your compliment. It is wonderful to have you participate in the challenge, too. Thanks for adding the link.

  60. Dawn
    | Reply

    Thank you for hosting this week! Your photos are wonderful! I love the Texas sunset and all your vibrant colors in your other shots. Sometimes it takes softness and sometimes vibrant…warm colors compliment your photos for sure. I’m a little late, but here’s mine for this week: https://peacefulatdawn.com/2024/02/07/lens-artists-challenge-285-warm-colors/

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Dawn, thank you for your compliment and comments. It’s never late to enter any of these challenges. I appreciate you joining it. Thanks for adding the link here.

  61. Hammad Rais
    | Reply

    Such a wonderful palette of warm colors, Edigio. The burning sky view in the header is certainly my favorite, along with the Ferrari and LBJ Presidential Library 🙂

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Hammad, thank you for your kind words and feedback.

  62. philo
    | Reply

    You illustrated the theme beautifully with those fab images.
    I love Christmas displays and bulldogs.
    Amazing Amigo clicks!

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Many thanks, Philo. I appreciate your feedback.

  63. Cee Neuner
    | Reply

    What a remarkably warm gallery of photos for us to delight in this week. Thanks for hosting. 😀 😀
    Here is my entry for the week.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thanks for joining the challenge, Cee, and for your kind compliment. I appreciated that.

  64. Rebecca Cuningham
    | Reply

    Thanks for this great challenge that sent me back to the books to remember which colors are warm! https://fakeflamenco.com/2024/02/08/lens-artists-challenge-285-warm-colors/

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Rebecca, I am glad you liked the challenge. Thanks for posting the link here and for your comments, too.

  65. Lindy Le Coq
    | Reply

    As is often the case, my posts arrive near the end of the challenge week! Thank you again for taking on this big responsibility!

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Lindy, thank you for your feedback and also for adding the link to your post here. Thanks!

  66. Archer
    | Reply

    Hi Egidio! Great challenge. I am very partial to warm color photography – my only regret is that I don’t have the time to take more of it!



    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Archer, thank you for the feedback and for adding your response to the challenge. I’m looking forward to looking at it now.

  67. susurrus
    | Reply

    Thanks for hosting. I loved the warm glow settling around the bulldogs and the flower is exquisite. I’ve had a bit of a panic because I somehow posted mine before I had written it! All is pretty much sorted out now, I hope, though it’s a bit more concise than I was planning. It’s here: https://susanrushton.net/2024/02/09/warm/

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thank you, Susan, for your kind words and for joining the challenge with such a beautiful post and photos. I left a comment on your post.

  68. Andrew Seal
    | Reply

    Better late than never Egidio. Your photos are beautiful. Thanks for the challenge. Warmest wishes, Andrew

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Andrew, it’s never too late. These challenges stay out there for whenever someone wants to participate. I am very happy that you took the time to send in your entry. I can hardly wait to read it. Thank you for your kind and warm comments. I appreciate that.

  69. Tales From My Lens
    | Reply

    These photographs are beautiful. I am particularly fond of the dogs. Lovely lighting.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Kathleen, thank you for your kind words and feedback. Merli (the dog in the front) is my nephew’s dog and a wonderful pet. Nico is his brother. Thanks, again.

  70. margaret21
    | Reply

    Better late than never: a quickly scrambled together post. https://margaret21.com/2024/02/10/warm-barcelona/

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Margaret, that is so nice of you to find time in your busy schedule to post an entry to the challenge. I am very thankful for your doing so.

      • margaret21
        | Reply

        Aw thanks. It was fun. I’m only sorry not to have given it a little more time.

        • Egídio Leitão
          | Reply

          Margaret, no reason to be sorry. Your post was thoughtful and very nice. I felt like walking down the streets of Barcelona through your photos.

          • margaret21

            Result! I’m so glad. Thanks!

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      I left a comment in your post, but I’m not sure if it’s waiting approval or WP decided not to post it. I’ll have to check back.

      • margaret21
        | Reply

        I don’t think my blog does ‘approvals’. Just checking now …

        • Egídio Leitão
          | Reply

          I think WP erased the initial comments. I added them again.

  71. Murtagh's Meadow
    | Reply

    Beautiful warm images Egidio. I love the variety you have shown.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thank you so much for the kind words. Your entry is amazing, too. I just left a comment on your post.

  72. SoyBend
    | Reply

    Spectacular cloudscapes in your first two images, Egidio! Love that intense color.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      I’m so glad you liked them, Siobhan. Thank you.

I'd love hearing back from you. Let me know if you have any questions or something is not working on the site.