Lens-Artists Challenge #267 – Recharge

Officers Gulch trail and lake
Officers Gulch (Frisco, Colorado)

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
Albert Einstein

Before retiring, whenever pressure and stress were building at work, I used to tell my boss that I needed to recharge my batteries. He knew that a few days immersed in nature would do the trick for me. Being surrounded by nature was and still is the way for me to recharge my human “batteries.”

There is a growing body of research that suggests that spending time in nature has a number of benefits for mental health. Here are some of those benefits: reduced stress and anxiety, improved mood, increased self-esteem, reduced symptoms of depression, improved cognitive functions, and increased creativity.

It doesn’t take much for me to disconnect from the fast pace of day-to-day life. I can be in town or traveling to another location and find my oasis in nature. Here are some ways I recharge my batteries.

I can be kayaking or biking in a city, county, or state park and feel connected to nature.
Once, I was even able to meditate while kayaking!

It is in the wild places, where the edge of the earth meets the corners of the sky,
the human spirit is fed.
Art Wolfe

Probably, a better example of what I get out of recharging my batteries in nature is exemplified by our most recent trip to Colorado. Besides enjoying cooler temperatures at a higher elevation, we really connected with nature on our hikes in Summit County, mainly around Silverthorne, Dillon, Frisco, and Breckenridge.

Hiking on the Willowbrook Loop or the North Tenmile trail,
we marveled at how insignificant humans can be under the giant forest canopy.
Still, we were able to appreciate the small things, too,
and see nature recharging itself with new growth.

I do not think there is anything more relaxing than the sound of a babbling stream
or cascading waters. Water can be soothing for the eyes and mind.

Wildlife, big and small, can be safely observed from a distance,
or they may feel comfortable enough to come near to you,
such as a Weidmeyer’s Admiral butterfly and the Mallard duck family.

Love is like wildflowers; It’s often found in the most unlikely places.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

I can discover hidden worlds through macro photography and literally smell the roses and flowers.

Those are a few of my examples of recharging when I connect with nature. What is your go-to activity (or activities) that allows you to recharge your batteries? Is it in nature or in the city, alone or with friends and family, reading a book? If you decide to join in this challenge, please link to this post and use the Lens-Artists tag so we can find your recharge images.

Thanks to Donna for last week’s Time challenge on her Wind Kisses blog. We enjoyed your many different interpretations of time. We hope you’ll join me for this week’s challenge. Please remember to link to my post, and to use the Lens-Artists tag to appear in our Reader section. Finally, Tina will lead us next week on her Travels and Trifles blog. So, be sure to check her post next Saturday at noon, EST. If you want to know more about the Lens-Artists Challenge, please click here.

Many thanks to the Lens-Artists team for inviting me to be a guest host for this week’s challenge. It was an honor. Your kind words warm my heart and your photos never fail to inspire me.

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0 Responses

  1. André
    | Reply

    A wonderful topic, Egídio. A perfect follow up (at least on my side) to the two previous posts for LAPC.
    I love, what you selected. Peaceful and really recharging views! thanks

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      André, many thank for your enthusiastic feedback. I am looking forward to your take on the topic.

  2. restlessjo
    | Reply

    Nice to meet you. Summit Country looks beautiful, but I agree 100% that nature is the best healer. Great photos!

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Johanna, thank you for your compliment. Oh, how I envy you now for being at Algarve. We have fond memories of Portugal and that region. We stayed in Albufeira for a few days.

      • restlessjo
        | Reply

        I have a good friend arriving to Albufeira today. He will likely be disappointed to arrive to rain. Some of us were dancing in the streets! Back to sunshine tomorrow.

      • restlessjo
        | Reply

        I don’t generally do challenges, Egidio, but today’s post just seemed appropriate somehow. Many thanks! https://stillrestlessjo.com/2023/09/18/jos-monday-walk-a-salt-water-world/

        • Egídio Leitão
          | Reply

          Thanks so much for your feedback. I’m glad you felt motivated to join in. I’m going to look at your post now.

          • restlessjo

            Sorry, I didn’t mean to post twice. Feel free to delete ??

  3. Wind Kisses
    | Reply

    Your connection to nature and ability to put it into words is a gift, Egidio. Thank you for sharing your carefully observed surroundings. I look forward to the challenge, and to see how others recharge their lives too. The moose was a great capture and I wonder if she surprised you? The simplicity of the sapling growing be the mature tree – Symbolic of life. Thank you for joining us. I have company on the way and will revisit you in a day or so…

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Donna, I appreciate your kind words and the whole LAC team for this invitation. Enjoy your friends/family’s company. I’ll look forward to your contribution to this week’s theme when you are free.

  4. eschudel
    | Reply

    What beautiful examples of places to recharge….thanks for sharing!

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Emily, thank you for visiting and writing. I appreciate the feedback.

  5. PR
    | Reply

    Awesome scenes Egidio ?! Meditating while Kayaking – wow! Great topic – how do we recharge! Let me see what I can come up with ?

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      PR, it was nice of you to visit and write this complimentary note. Yes, it was a tranquil day and hardly any wind. I just lay back and meditated. I look forward to seeing your photos and how you recharge.

  6. chava61
    | Reply

    Beautiful images!

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thank you for your compliment. It was nice of you to stop by and share your thoughts. I hope you’ll join us and share how you recharge.

  7. Sofia Alves
    | Reply

    It’s a beautiful part of the world but your caring eyes show it in all its glory, vibrant and yet peaceful. Thank you for hosting this week, Egídio, it’s the kind of challenge that will be inspiring and recharging in its own way.
    Here is mine:

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Sofia, thank for the invitation to host this week. Also, thanks for your caring words and feedback. I have to run and check your post now.

  8. Tra Italia e Finlandia
    | Reply

    Sono totalmente d’accordo: stare in mezzo alla natura è rigenerante. Bravo Egidio!

  9. JohnRH
    | Reply

    Great photos, great theme. Peace and recharge.

  10. Anne Sandler
    | Reply

    Your choice of nature is a wonderful challenge Egidio. And, your examples are beautiful. You’ll have fun reading the varied responses you get. Mine will be along tomorrow. Thank you for guest hosting.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thank you, Anne. I so much appreciate your compliment. I look forward to seeing your take on this recharge theme. It was great to host for LAC.

  11. eklastic
    | Reply

    What a wonderful place for recharging. And wonderful photos you took away from it!
    I stayed home to replenish: https://picturesimperfectblog.wordpress.com/2023/09/16/reading-recharges/

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thank you for stopping by and your compliment. How creative your photo is! You are in good company with those titles. Nicely done.

  12. Ingrid
    | Reply

    Such beautiful images. I too find I need nature to recharge. When we lived in Colorado, the Dillon/Frisco area was one of our favorite places to escape to. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip to CO.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Ingrid, thanks for stopping by and taking time to write. This year was our second time to that area. We love it there because of the elevation — and how wonderful the temperature is compared to the triple digits we had here. We are heading back to Colorado this coming week to check out some fall foliage. This time, we’ll be in the Crested Butte area.

      • Ingrid
        | Reply

        Oh, Crested Butte is one of our favorites. If you’re a coffee drinker, be sure and try “Camp Four Coffee”. We were first introduced to it at “McGills” at breakfast. Lake Irwin and Kebler Pass might offer photogenic scenery – lots of Aspens.. (silly me, everything is photogenic in Crested Butte). Take a drive up Washington Gulch Road or Slate River Road or drive up to Gothic. You won’t be disappointed.

        • Egídio Leitão
          | Reply

          Ingrid, thanks for those tips. I am a coffee drinker. I’ve made a note of all of them. We are meeting two friends who used to live in Gunnison and are familiar with that area.I’m hoping we get to see some colors. Thanks again for the suggestions.

  13. Ana
    | Reply

    A great post and challenge. Your images have the power to recharge batteries, they are beautiful.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Ana, many thanks for sharing your kind words. I appreciate them. I look forward to seeing your post.

  14. margaret21
    | Reply

    Out in the wilds, among trees, water, wildlife and flowers. What could be better? This is a real catalogue of all the things that suddenly make life worth living when we’re under stress. A great collection of photos to illustrate the recharging possibilities of Nature.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Margaret, you have touched on several things that matter to make our lives better. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts here, too. I appreciated your feedback.

  15. jazzibee
    | Reply

    Beautiful post and all lovely images of your missions to recharge. Those of us who can get out into nature are very fortunate indeed. Thanks for setting the challenge.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      James, indeed we need to be thankful for having nature and being able to immerse ourselves into beautiful and natural places. Thanks for the compliment and feedback.

      • jazzibee
        | Reply

        You’re welcome!

  16. Klausbernd
    | Reply

    Hi Egidio
    thanks for sharing your pictures.
    We agree, nature is the best recharging point.
    All the best
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  17. Anita
    | Reply

    A lovely selection of nature photos, Egídio. I totally agree with you that the best way to appreciate the beauty of our world and recharge our energy is to take time to be in nature. Your top photo is wonderful!

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Anita, I’m so glad you are on this journey along with several of us. I appreciated your comments very much.

      • Anita
        | Reply

        I’ll share my way to recharge during the week. I have the images ready in my mind, but they haven’t been put into visuals just yet. Thank you for selecting this theme; it may show that we are all quite diverse, or perhaps, not…

        • Egídio Leitão
          | Reply

          Anita, I’ll look forward to your post. Sometimes it is in our differences that we realize how similar we can be.

  18. Stupidity Hole
    | Reply

    I like how your photos vary between open and enclosed. Helps provide a sense of variability, I think.

    Here’s mine for this one:


    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thanks for the feedback. I wanted to give readers a chance to connect and find out what helped them recharge. I think that might explain the various scenes I shared. Thanks, again. I will now check your post.

  19. photobyjohnbo
    | Reply

    We are on our journey across the southern U.S. for the month, and we happened to spend some time recently in Colorado. It is truly a beautiful state, and there are so many opportunities to recharge in natural surroundings. Great theme choice, Egidio!

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      John, thank you very much for oyur encouraging words. I’m happy that you have spent some time in Colorado. we are headed there again in a couple of days in hopes to see some fall foliage.and colors. Enjoy your trips!

  20. Yanti
    | Reply

    Ahh lovely post and photos, Egídio! My eyes are also refreshed seeing the tall pine trees and the wonderful new growth in your photos. Great theme, too, my brain’s working thinking which photo(s) I would want to include for the theme ?

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Yanti, thank you kindly for your feedback and compliment. I’m happy that my photos resonate with you. I look forward to seeing what you enjoy doing to help you recharge.

  21. Tina Schell
    | Reply

    Egidio, this is such a marvelous post I don’t know where to start! I love the message and agree wholeheartedly. It’s amazing how deeply the peace and serenity of nature affects our state of mind and our energy. Your images are absolutely beautiful and convey your thoughts perfectly. Thank you so much for leading us with your truly inspirational post.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Tina, it means the world to me to read your words and see how much you also enjoy nature. It shows in your photos. I can hardly wait to see your take on the theme. Thanks again for everything.

  22. Aletta - nowathome
    | Reply

    Beautiful photos Egidio! Nature recharges my batteries too.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Patti, thank you for sharing my passion in photography and nature, too. I look forward to seeing your take on this theme.

  23. pattimoed
    | Reply

    What a gorgeous post and photos, Egidio. Truly lovely and inspiring. 🙂 Thanks so much for leading the challenge this week. Your theme was perfect for me! I’m not sure my link showed up, so here it is.


    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Patti, thank you so much for the compliment. I’m so glad you liked the post and photos. I’ll hurry and check out your site now.

  24. aekshots
    | Reply

    Great shots Egidio and couldn’t agree with you more on the relaxing ways of nature, especially water flowing down a cascading streams. Well done!

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Andy, thank you very much for your compliment. I’m glad you enjoyed this post.

  25. Tish Farrell
    | Reply

    These are stunning photos, Egidio. Landscapes to lift the spirits indeed.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thank you so much, Tish. I appreciate the feedback.

  26. scillagrace
    | Reply

    It’s satisfying to know that our species is a natural one and that we have so much in common with the rest of the Tree of Life. I’m sure so many bloggers will agree with you completely that Nature is the best place to Recharge. Last night, I did an activity that I find energizing that wasn’t in Nature, but for the benefit of the planet…Dance Planet. Dancing is hard to do and photograph at the same time, though! 😉

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thanks for writing, Priscilla. I appreciate hearing from you and what inspires you to stay recharged. Dancing is very energizing.

  27. Amy
    | Reply

    Beautiful photo selections, Egidio! Love this theme! I agree, nature is the way to go. Inspiring, indeed!
    The moose is a cool capture.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Amy, thanks for the feedback. I appreciate knowing you liked the photos and theme. Thank you.

  28. Tina Schell
    | Reply

    Hello again Egidio. Not sure why my link didn’t work, but my post is here https://travelsandtrifles.wordpress.com/2023/09/17/lens-artists-challenge-267-recharge/

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Tina, thanks for sending the link again. I have to go check out your entry. I’m really looking forward to that.

  29. sheetalbravon
    | Reply

    Lovely post and an excellent topic. Your photos beautifully complement your words. I’m still thinking of babbling streams, cascading water and that moose.
    Here’s my contribution to the challenge.


    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thank you so much for your compliment and for diving in with your own take on the theme. I’ll go check your post now. Thanks for the feedback.

  30. 031ll1879
    | Reply

    the level of clarity in these shots cannot be overstated. these are amazing captures!

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Well, thank you for your compliment. I appreciate you taking the time to write your feedback. Thank you.

  31. I. J. Khanewala
    | Reply

    Beautiful photos showing what you love most. A great challenge.

    Here’s mine: https://anotherglobaleater.wordpress.com/2023/09/18/annual-recharge/

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      I.J., thank you very much for the feedback. I’ll go check your post now.

  32. restlessjo
    | Reply


  33. Alison
    | Reply

    Great topic, which I saw just after my walk along the river this morning!

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thanks for the feedback. I’m so glad you have joined the challenge. I’ll read your post now.

  34. Tobias M. Schiel
    | Reply

    Wonderful challenge, Egídio! I can fully ralete to ‘recharging’ in nature; my landscape of choice is the seaside, preferably the stretches with rocks and/or dunes. And if I can’t travel, I recharge building and photographing small worlds. Thanks for the inspiration! Enjoy: https://empireoflights.com/2023/09/18/seaside-composition/

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thank you for the feedback and for joining in the challenge. I love seascapes, too. I better go read your post.

  35. Toonsarah
    | Reply

    Beautiful photography, capturing what is clearly a wonderful part of the US – we really must visit Colorado one day! I love your wildlife photography in particular, both large and small 🙂 My recharge location is very different but I hope you’ll enjoy seeing it: https://www.toonsarah-travels.blog/a-stroll-through-more-of-the-marais/

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Sarah, thank you for your feedback and for joining in the challenge. I can hardly wait to read your post and see your photos.

  36. whippetwisdom
    | Reply

    Glorious photographs Egidio and Colorado especially looks like a fabulous to recharge! Thank you so much for hosting and our contribution for this lovely challenge is here: https://whippetwisdom.com/2023/09/18/haiku-summer-heads-south/

  37. Amy
    | Reply

    Here is my entry, Egidio. https://shareandconnect.wordpress.com/2023/09/18/86456/

  38. sandyjwhite
    | Reply

    Loved your collection. A wonderful topic!

  39. JohnRH
    | Reply

    GREAT theme. My contribution: https://fairplay740.wordpress.com/2023/09/18/lens-artists-challenge-267-recharge/

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thanks for the feedback and for sending your link. I need to check it out.

  40. photo robert
    | Reply

    hello egidio

    a wonderful theme and interesting pictures you have chosen for the week’s theme.
    here is my contribution for the challenge theme, https://wp.me/pdALlZ-yG.
    many greetings robert

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thanks for the compliment and for joining in the challenge.

  41. margaret21
    | Reply

    Oh, what wonderful scenery, wildlife, plant life to restore your soul! I can’t pick a favourite here. I have similar toughts to you. Here’s mine: https://margaret21.com/2023/09/20/recharging-and-renewal/

  42. SoyBend
    | Reply

    I really liked your first picture, Egidio. Nice combination of clouds, reflections, mountains, and green plants. I also liked all your pictures of beautiful wildflowers.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thanks so much for the compliment. It’s hard to miss beauty in Colorado. As I type this, we are on our way back there. This time it’s for fall foliage.

  43. Indra Chopra
    | Reply

    Great presentation…..sharing my post

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thank you for the compliment and for sharing your post. I’ll go check it out.

  44. Indra
    | Reply

    Reposting my take on the topic. Great theme and great presentation

  45. Cee Neuner
    | Reply

    You have some marvelous photo that would recharge me any day of the week. Gorgeous post and terrific inspiration.
    Here is my entry for the week.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Cee, thanks for the feedback and for joining the challenge. I’ll go check your post.

  46. Marianne
    | Reply

    I love your post! Thank you for sharing those lovely pictures.


    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Marianne, thanks so much for the compliment and for sending your post link. I’ll check it out.

  47. Lindy Le Coq
    | Reply

    Thank you for being the guest host this week. It’s a big responsibility, and I can see that many people have responded. Nature is my favorite healer, so we have a lot in common. Your examples and quotes are wonderful. Here is my addition to the fun! https://lindylecoq.com/2023/09/21/lens-artists-photo-challenge-267-recharge/

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Lindy, thank you so much for your kind words. I’ll check your post.

  48. 100 Country Trek
    | Reply

    Thanks for sharing your amazing images .

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Hi. I wonder if the post was removed. When I click your link, i get an error message saying the page was not found.
      Thanks for your kind words about the challenge. I hope to be able to see your post, too.

      • 100 Country Trek
        | Reply

        I will try this again

        • Egídio
          | Reply

          I was able to follow your blog without any problem. However, the link is still showing not found.

          • 100 Country Trek

            Ok I will redo this again. Anita

      • 100 Country Trek
        | Reply

        Can you follow my blog

      • 100 Country Trek
        | Reply

        I follow your blog but can you follow mine

  49. Murtagh's Meadow
    | Reply

    Amazing trees and great challenge for this week. Coming a bit late but you can find mine here – https://murtaghsmeadow.wordpress.com/2023/09/22/lens-artists-challenge-267-recharge/

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thanks for the compliment and also for joining the challenge. I need to check out your post.

  50. Wandering Dawgs
    | Reply

    Thank you for this challenge! Being outside in nature is a wonderful way to recharge! Your images are fantastic.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thank you so much for your kind words. I appreciate the feedback.

  51. norasphotos4u
    | Reply

    Thanks for a great topic – here is mine for the week

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thank you. I am glad you liked the challenge and also joined it. I’ll take a look at your post.

  52. 100 Country Trek
    | Reply


    • Egídio
      | Reply

      Have other people been able to see or comment on the post?

  53. 100 Country Trek
    | Reply

    Thanks for sharing your images .

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thanks for your patience. This time the link is working.

  54. Philo
    | Reply

    Congratulations on being the host of the most popular Lens-Artists Challenge.
    Fantastic theme and great examples.
    Recharge and Nature, without doubt, go together and you so beautifully presented your images.
    Every image conveys the message that just watching nature and also being with nature, gives us the much needed rejuvenation.
    Thank you Egídio Leitão

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Mr. Philo, your kind words and compliment are very much appreciated. Thank you so much.

  55. Philo
    | Reply

    My contribution

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thanks for joining the challenge. I will go check it out.

  56. Sylvia Bacon
    | Reply

    This is such a beautiful post, Egidio! I love your wonderful pictures and your topic is so right for today’s world. Thank you! Here is my post: https://mycolorfulexpressions.com/lens-artists-photo-challenge-267-recharge/

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Sylvia, thank you very much for the compliment and for joining the challenge. I look forward to seeing your post, too.

  57. Leya
    | Reply

    Just wonderful – your photography never fails to impress and stand out. We both love nature, and you capture it elegantly.

I'd love hearing back from you. Let me know if you have any questions or something is not working on the site.