Lamar Valley: A Valley of Enchanting Vistas

Even in the summertime, Lamar Valley at Yellowstone National Park is where you can find peace, hike with pronghorn deer close to you, see elk and bison herds, and may even encounter a black or grizzly bear.

When we first drove into Lamar Valley, I felt like I had traveled to the past. The bison and their ruminating sounds were primal. It was a moment I will never forget. If you ever visit Yellowstone NP, please make time to drive slowly through Lamar Valley. As you watch those magnificent animals, imagine the valley before roads were built and cars were present. Lamar Valley is a place where you can experience enchanting vistas and observe wildlife freely.

According to the National Park Service, the entire Yellowstone bison herd is estimated to be around 3,000 to 6,000 animals, with two main breeding populations: northern and central. You can be assured you will see lots of bison grazing there.

Lamar Valley is also a place for immense vistas, such as the opening photo I featured. The scenes you see are some of the most breathtaking views at Yellowstone NP. Besides the Lamar River, you also have ample views of the dramatic Absaroka Mountains.

Absaroka Mountains at Lamar Valley

Besides the diverse wildlife, you also see meadows, grasslands, and riparian areas. All of this can be experienced from the comfort of your car if you do not want to hike any of the trails. Whatever you decide to do at Lamar Valley, the stunning scenery and wildlife will be an unforgettable experience.

Lamar River with the Absaroka Mountains in the background

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0 Responses

  1. Writing to Freedom
    | Reply

    Wonderful pictures and tour Egidio! You remind me of the happy travels in my 30s.

  2. You are right about stunning scenery, the photos are beautiful

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thank you, Ritva. I’m glad you enjoyed the scenery.

  3. Hammad Rais
    | Reply

    Gorgeous views

  4. nesfelicio
    | Reply

    Beautiful shots, Egidio. They showcase the wonderful landscape of Lamar Valley. Are they as beautiful and wildlife aplenty at this time of year?

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Nes, I have not been there in the spring. However, I’d guess it’s just as pretty and with lots of wildlife activities. That place is a sanctuary. Thanks for the compliment.

  5. Anne Sandler
    | Reply

    Beautiful scenery captured through your lens Egidio. I guess I’ll have to go back to Yellowstone!

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Anne, I’d love to see your photos. There’s a lot to do there even from inside one’s car. Thanks.

  6. Khürt Williams
    | Reply

    Seems peaceful and relaxing and also invigorating.

  7. Beautiful!
    Love these skies and clouds!
    I must visit the valley one day😀

  8. Tra Italia e Finlandia
    | Reply

    Ampi orizzonti e larghi spazi…bellissimo!

  9. margaret21
    | Reply

    Enchanting Vistas is just the right name for this post!

  10. Leanne Cole
    | Reply

    Beautiful Egidio.

  11. carabeinsplash
    | Reply

    Lovely photos of such a peaceful place. We were there last year and there is so much to see. It’s truly stunning.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thank you for the comment. I’m happy you were able to experience that.

  12. Amy
    | Reply

    What a grant landscape! Beautifully captured, Egidio!

  13. SoyBend
    | Reply

    It’s a beautiful valley, Egidio. One of my favorite spots in the park and it’s a great to place see wolves in the early morning hours.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      We never got to see wolves there. Once there was one way up under some tree (we were told), but too far to be seen. Thanks.

      • SoyBend
        | Reply

        You never know whether you’ll see . them or not. Last time we went, we saw wolves and a grizzly with cubs in the Lamar Valley. I use a powerful spotting scope to see them in the distance.

  14. Photos by Jez
    | Reply

    The cirrus filled skies really add to the drama of the landscape 😃

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thanks for the feedback. We had a beautiful day at the park. The skies were gorgeous.

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