Laguna Lagunillas

Laguna Lagunillas

— On our way from Arequipa to Puno, Peru, we passed by some beautiful terrain with lakes and mountains just outside Puno. Traveling at that time of the day could not have been more perfect. Because of that, we captured beautiful light and shadow close to sunset. As another example, you can see this shot taken just a few minutes apart from the one here. This Andean lake is in far southeastern altiplanos of Peru. It covers an area of approximately 13,900 ft (4,250 m) and is about 30 miles (50 km) from Lake Titicaca. The lake is located at an elevation of 13,694 ft (4,174 m). If you’re easily affected by high altitudes, you should be prepared for this elevation. Thankfully, our bus guide was very aware of the problem and was giving us colca tea. She also gave us some breathing techniques in preparation for the area. This lake is right along Highway 34A in Peru. As the bus stops here for some leg stretching and site scenery, you will also find several vendors selling Peruvian artifacts. It’s a great place to buy hand-made sweaters and other items of clothing.

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