Happy Memorial Day

US flag

— I was going through my photos with the US flag to find one that I wanted to share here in celebration of Memorial Day 2020. What an odd year this has been! The photo above was made barely six months ago, during the Formula 1 race at the Circuit of the Americas (COTA). Although I do not have family in the US, I am often reminded of the sacrifice several people have made for me to enjoy the freedom I have in this country. When I go biking in one of my favorite trails, I pass by the Fallen Warrior monument. If I go visit the State Cemetery, I see the 9/11 Memorial and other honored Texans. At COTA, every event has the national anthem performed, and for Formula 1, there are always some additional displays, such as servicemen jumping from passing planes with the US and Texas flags. I am thankful for the bravery and service these men and women have done for us all. Happy Memorial Day!

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