Lens-Artists Challenge # 336 – Only One Picture

Ann-Christine clearly defined our weekly challenge:
...The challenge is to use only ONE picture. One that you find important, meaningful to you, maybe sending a message – and then explain why you picked just that picture. It is not meant to be a ”favourite” picture of yours, not at all…so…
Look at her post and see the photo she chose. What a beautiful story! What is that one photo for me?
The photo above marked a defining moment in my photography journey. In 2016, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation had a statewide photography contest, Focus on the Wild, to celebrate the agency’s 25th anniversary. Each month, a theme was given. January was Texas icons, February was Texas rivers, and so on. I entered the Frio River Cypress (a photo made in 2007) for the February contest. To my surprise, the photo was the best of that month. Here’s the announcement. Later in the year, the same photo was also selected as the winner for the year. I see this photo as the beginning of taking photography as a serious hobby.
Patti’s challenge this week allowed us to look at the advantages of black and white versus color in our photography. I enjoyed seeing your varied and beautiful photos. Ann-Christine made the challenge very real this week with only one photo in our responses. I can hardly wait to see what each person’s choice will be. Don’t forget to use the “lens-artists” hashtag when creating your post so we can easily find it in the Reader.
Next week, Sofia will guide us with another exciting challenge. It will go live at noon EST in the USA. Tune in to find out more about the challenge then. Please see this page to learn more about the Lens-Artists Challenge and its history.
That is the story behind the shot. If you liked this photo, you might also be interested in other posts featuring Frio River, Garner SP, Landscapes, Lens-Artists, Parks, and Texas. Until the next time, keep clicking and capturing the beauty your eyes find.
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Tina Schell
Congratulations Egidio, well deserved! It’s obvious why the image was chosen – the wonderful cypress trees in that beautiful blue water – amazing! So happy you shared it for this week’s challenge.
Egidio Leitao
Thank you, Tina. It’s a meaningful shot for me.
A wonderful story and an amazing image., Edigio. I agree with Tina. Congratulations.
Egidio Leitao
Thank you very much, Rupali.
An image like a painting 👍👍👍
Top, Egídio!!!
Egidio Leitao
André, that is a wonderful compliment. Many thanks.
Congratulations on your best of the month. That is a fine photo, with great color, definition, and clarity. Well done.
Egidio Leitao
Thanks a million, John. I appreciate this feedback.
Anne Sandler
What a beautiful image and story Egidio! Congratulations on your winning best photo for the month and best for the year. This is truly a meaningful image.
Egidio Leitao
Thank you, Anne.
Leanne Cole
That is a great story Egidio, I don’t have a photo like that, well that kind of story thing, but I totally get what you mean. Congratulations as well.
Egidio Leitao
Thank you, Leanne.
This photo is an absolute winner!
No wonder it was chosen.
Timeless, too!
Egidio Leitao
Thanks a bunch, Nes. I appreciate this compliment.
Rebecca Cuningham
We got married next to the Río Frío. : ) Beautiful cypress shots.
Egidio Leitao
Thanks, Rebecca. What a place to have a wedding!
Rebecca Cuningham
Extremely memorable.
No wonder that image won. I love it. It looks like the legs of a camel-like animal plodding through the water.
Egidio Leitao
What a wonderful feedback, Margaret! Thank you.
Congratulations for the award, Egidio! Thanks for sharing with us. 🙂
Egidio Leitao
Thanks, Amy. I appreciate this feedback.
Congratulations, Egidio, so well deserved. A magnificent photo of trees and water. And what an important role that win played for you! So glad we got the opportunity to see it and read the story behind it. Unforgettable of course.
Egidio Leitao
You said it best: “unforgettable.” Thank you, Ann-Christine.
Tranature - quiet moments in nature
Congratulations Egídio, it’s a wonderful capture and so lovely it was rewarded in this way too 🎉
Egidio Leitao
Thank you, Xenia. Nature is inspirational.
Terri Webster Schrandt
An amazing photograph, Egidio! I see how it won’t prizes and started you on your photography journey. You’ve given me inspiration…
Egidio Leitao
Thanks you, Terri, for this wonderful and kind remark.
Easy to see why it was a winner, Egidio. It still is!
Egidio Leitao
Thank you for this wonderful remark. I appreciate it.
Stunning capture – truly a winner!
Egidio Leitao
Thank you, Nora.
Sofia Alves
It’s wonderful when we can pinpoint one photo as a turning moment and yours is amazing. I’m not surprised it got the recognition it deserves.
Congratulations. This is so beautiful, fascinated me. Thank you, Love, nia
Stunning image, Egidio! Gorgeous light and color. I can see why this one won the competition.
Egidio Leitao
Thanks, Patti. I appreciate this feedback.
Congrats Egidio…well deserved to win.
Egidio Leitao
Thank you very much, Teresa.
Amazing scene, Egidio!
Egidio Leitao
I’m glad you liked it. Thanks.