Fortaleza Sunset

Fortaleza Sunset— A sunset at Beira-Mar Avenue in Fortaleza can be magical. It has become a tradition for locals and tourists alike to make sure to be strolling along the seashore at the end of any given day to admire this wonderful scene. The buildings you see in the shot are mostly condominiums with a few hotels interspersed in that landscape. Fortaleza, the capital city of Ceará, is known in Brazil for its excellent seafood offerings. Based on 2010 census figures, the estimated present population in 2016 is around 2.6 million inhabitants! That makes Fortaleza the 5th largest city in Brazil. The state of Ceará is historically known as “Land of Light” because it was the first state to abolish slavery in Brazil in 1881, seven years prior to the rest of the country.

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