Fake Ruins (Ruínas Fingidas)

Ruínas Fingidas

In 2018, we spent a month in Portugal traveling all over the country. One of our stops was the city of Évora. We stayed right in the middle of the historical city center and parked our rental car near the Public Garden (Jardim Público). With so much to see in Évora, we did not realize the importance of those gardens. In particular, one of the buildings inside the gardens is the 16th century palace of King Manuel I where Vasco da Gama received his orders of sea exploration. Not too far from the palace you will find the Fake Ruins (Ruínas Fingidas) from the 19th century. These ruins were projected by José Cinatti utilizing architectural materials found all over Évora. In other words, these are not really ruins. Some of the materials used include twinned windows in Manueline and Mudejar styles, as the photos below show. Also present in the gardens are several peacocks (see photos below).

Fake Ruins
Fake Ruins

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