Fairy Tale

Copperfield Nature Trail with snow

— If you live in Austin, you know we do not get much snow here. Sometimes it does not even snow every year. So, this past Sunday we had a lot of snow in the area. Some places just north of Austin got up to five inches of snow. Here in the city proper, the amount of snow varied. Since first responders and the media were asking people not to drive in those conditions, I stayed home and appreciated the snowfall through my windows.

Nevertheless, the next day, I ventured out to see some familiar sites near my house. My favorite area where I often bike and walk, Copperfield Nature Trail, looked like a fairy tale land. The area around the small lake was covered with snow. Just down from the pond, this new bridge was an invitation beckoning a visitor to explore what lies ahead. Everything was quiet. The only sounds I heard were coming from the creek peacefully flowing into the small lake. With the sunset fast approaching, the orange skies cast a slightly golden glow in the entire area.

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