Devil’s Waterhole

Devil's Waterhole

— This recent trip to Inks Lake SP while the lake water level was low proved very rewarding to what I had in mind. Not only did I witness a great sunset, but I was also able to explore areas of the park I had not been to previously. One specific area was the Devil’s Waterhole swim hole. That is a very popular section in the park because people can jump from that rock you see above some 10-30 ft (3-9 meters) above the lake. Devil’s Waterhole is an extension of Inks Lake totally surrounded by rocks, and it is great for canoeing, kayaking, and snorkeling. In the summer months, the area is jam packed with people. On this particular visit a friend and I were the only people there. What made the visit very interesting is that we were able to stand in areas normally covered by water. Where I shot this photo from was approximately 4 feet (1.2 meters) below the normal lake level. It was also memorable to see this place at the end of the day with calm waters such as what you see in the photo. You can clearly see the normal lake level marked on the rocks.

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