With Halloween just a day away, I thought a post celebrating this fun and sometimes creepy holiday would be a change of pace for my usual nature photos. Besides, the post is also my response to Leanne‘s and Dawn‘s Monochrome Madness. This week, the theme is Spooky. I hope you will enjoy or be scared out of your wits.

Pumpkins are commonly used as decorations during the Halloween season. The photo above was an accident. I was biking and stopped to photograph the shriveling pumpkin, and the dog photobombed my composition. In retrospect, I gotta say it was perfect timing. I never thought I would have a chance to use this photo anywhere. Never say never.

Spiders are also a common decoration item you will find in Halloween decorations. A Black-and-Yellow Garden spider is a scary thing to encounter when you’re out and about. Again, this was captured on another bike ride two weeks ago. I was photographing cactus flowers when I saw this enormous spider from the corner of my eye.
The remaining photos were all captured at my former neighbor’s house. They go wild with Halloween decorations. It is a joy to walk around and see all they put on display in their front yard. Every year, they add something new. Luckily, their home is on a corner lot. Do you have a favorite in this set?

Have a spooktacular Halloween!
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Anne Sandler
Thanks for this cute and entertaining post Egidio!
Egidio Leitao
Thanks, Anne. I loved putting this together and being able to use some photos I never thought I’d use.
I love Halloween when adults get into the wild, creepy house decoration thing. Love all your creepy photos. Pumpkin and dog the best because it was spontaneous.
Egidio Leitao
Thanks for the feedback. House and yard decorations can often be so creative. The photobomb dog was perfect in its location, eyes, and out of focus presence. I couldn’t have done it if I had planned it.
Tra Italia e Finlandia
Foto davvero paurose, Egidio! 😱
Egidio Leitao
Buuu! Sono contento che ti abbia spaventato un po’. Grazie.
Oh my goodness! You’ve fulfilled the brief alright! A fun post.
Egidio Leitao
Margaret, your response was all I needed. I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks.
Dawn M. Miller
These are great. It is hard to choose but that skeleton head is outrageously spooky!
Oh, and I love the eye in the tree.
Egidio Leitao
Dawn, once again, thanks for the fun challenge and also for your feedback. Yes, I had not noticed the eye in the tree until I was editing the photo.
Egidio Leitao
Thanks, Dawn. Yes, the head close-up is very spooky.
Dawn M. Miller
Did my comment not go through?
I love that skeleton head it is hauntingly spooky!
Oh, and that eye in the tree,,,very cool.
Egidio Leitao
Yes, the comment is there. I think WP had a minor delay in the auto-approval process.
Writing to Freedom
Fun photos Egidio. The monochrome definitely adds to the creepy effect. Terror eyes wins for me. 💀🎃
Egidio Leitao
Thanks, Brad. I like that photo, too, especially since it was so unexpected.
Writing to Freedom
I just don’t want to see it in my dreams!
philosophy through photography
Wow!. I got scared!
Egidio Leitao
Mission accomplished! Thanks. 🙂
philosophy through photography
Wow, your former neighbours do go all out, don’t they?! Fun to see, but my favourite shot is the one the dog photobombed 😆
Egidio Leitao
Sarah, they go out for every holiday. Soon, they’ll take this down and do Christmas. I don’t know how they store so much stuff. Thanks for your comment.
Terri Webster Schrandt
Appropriately spooky, Egidio! The dog looks like a wolf, great capture!
Egidio Leitao
Thank you, Terri. Yes, its black fur was perfect.