Chisos and the Window

Chisos and the Window

— Just a year ago we were at Big Bend NP celebrating our 25th anniversary. With recent heavy rains having taken place at the park, we found the park blooming in colors with all sorts of wildflowers and lush green vistas. In fact, although I have been to the park a dozen times or so, I had never experienced rain there until this visit. One morning, as we were leaving the Chisos Lodge, we discovered the view was surreal. Fog was blanketing the area (see video below), and everything looked even greener. We just had to wait a few seconds to see fog lifting and presenting a view of the Window. It was also on that same trip that as we turned the corner to get to the Lost Mine trail, we spotted a black bear calmly eating breakfast right by the road side. We were able to stop and admire that bear up and close from the other side of the road and inside our car.

Black bear

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