Hummingbird Moth

— I can now check another item off my bucket list when it comes to wildlife. In April this year, I went for a hike at the Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge, just 40 minutes from home in Austin, Texas. … Read More

Aoudads (Barbary Sheep)

— Earlier this year, I went for a day hike at Pedernales Falls SP. The park tends to get a lot of visitors on weekends because of its proximity to Austin, Texas. However, during the week, one can enjoy the … Read More

Cecropia Silkmoth

— In the summer of 2021, I visited the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. On that particular visit, I happened to stop in an area where the Center keeps moths as they do their gestation period. I made several photos … Read More

Familiar Bluet Damselfly

— Incoming fast! That was my first impression when I caught this Familiar Bluet (also known as Civil Bluet) damselfly approaching a reed in a small puddle on top of the dome at Enchanted Rock SNA a week ago. I … Read More


— I don’t know how long I have waited to photograph a hummingbird in our own backyard, here in Austin. Although I had previously seen them quickly drinking the nectar from some of our flowers, I had never been able … Read More

In Our Backyard

— I recently mentioned in a previous post about our backyard landscaping project. We are still adding more plants to attract pollinators. However, with some of the already established plants, the activity I see now has increased daily. There are … Read More

Gulf Fritillary

— A long time in the making, our backyard landscaping project is nearly complete. The first delay was back in February 2021 because of the week-long extreme cold weather that hit Texas. After that, we then had to wait until … Read More

Common Spotted Whiptail

— As many times as I have visited the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin, Texas, I often run into this tiny and fast lizard on the ground. The Center is known for its wildflowers and pollinators mostly. However, … Read More

Pollinator Week

— June 21-27, 2021, was pollinator week. Taking advantage of one day of cooler weather, I revisited the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. It was a very productive visit for a number of reasons. While walking the grounds of the … Read More

Amazon Rainforest

— The Amazon rainforest (or Amazonia) covers most of the Amazon River basin in South America and is distributed across nine nations. Brazil contains the largest portion of that rainforest with nearly 60% of its entirety. Not only is the … Read More

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