Birds in Monochrome

Happy National Wildlife Day! Inspired by several posts this week, I looked back at my catalog and chose half a dozen images to explore in monochrome. Does the achromatic edit work? The photo above was captured as the sun rose … Read More

Patience Rewarded

I am not a birder, as the familiar word goes for people who enjoy bird-watching. I am, instead, a casual bird watcher. If you are wondering what the difference is, it is simple. I enjoy bird-watching at convenient times. I … Read More

The Cool Tones of Huntsville State Park

Lens-Artists Challenge #313 – Cool Colors In February 2024, I had a challenge about using warm colors in our photos. I examined the impact that those hues had on the way we react to a photograph. Now, John focuses on … Read More

Cooper’s Hawks: Masters of Aerial Hunts

“August is the month of the high-sailing hawks. The hen hawk is the most noticeable. He likes the haze and calm of these long, warm days. He is a bird of leisure and seems always at his ease. How beautiful … Read More

Where Music Meets Nature: The Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden

Lens-Artists Challenge #311 – What’s in a Garden? When I read Ann-Christine’s Lens-Artists challenge for this week, What’s In a Garden? my mind went all over the place. I visit many gardens in the Austin area and other places I … Read More

The Power of Two: Exploring Diptych Photography

Lens-Artists Challenge #308 – Perfect Pairs Elizabeth of Albatz Travel Adventures is this week’s Lens-Artists Challenge host. She proposed Perfect Pairs as the challenge. More specifically, she is looking for diptychs. If you are not familiar with the concept, Elizabeth … Read More

New Home

New home! If you look at the URL for this site, you will see a difference. It used to be, but because of ongoing issues with my WP installation — including the inability to get pingbacks — I have … Read More

Big Bend’s Biodiversity: From Cacti to Critters

Lens-Artists Challenge #306 – Habitat The National Geographic Society defines habitat as “a place where an organism makes its home.” Tina’s Lens-Artists challenge for this week is Habitat. Her post struck a chord with me: “We hope you’ll join us … Read More

A Local Gem: The Yellow-Crowned Night Heron

While biking around the neighborhood Copperfield Nature Trail area this morning, I stopped for a short break. There was a bench near a small pond, and with the heat index already reaching 99ºF (37ºC) at 11 AM, I took advantage … Read More

The Dazzling Blue Dasher: A Dragonfly Superstar

As I edited these photos of a Blue Dasher dragonfly, I couldn’t help but think of the Olympic ski jumping sport. Take a look at how these dragonflies retract their legs as they fly. In June 2021, I attended an … Read More

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