Blue Plumbago

— With summer temperatures clearly around us even before the official start of summer, there is not much one would think could be in bloom in the middle of triple-digit temperatures in Texas. Incidentally, for those who use Celsius for … Read More

Hummingbird Moth

— I can now check another item off my bucket list when it comes to wildlife. In April this year, I went for a hike at the Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge, just 40 minutes from home in Austin, Texas. … Read More

First Freeze

— Texas is truly a mixed bag when it comes to weather. One day we are in shorts and t-shirts, and the next day we experience a freeze. That was the case for the first couple of days in January … Read More

Colors in Copperfield – Other Colors

— Sometimes it is good to look at nature without colors. Often colors will get our attention and take away details. In the leaves above, I wanted to see the details our eyes can perceive when we desaturate the scene. … Read More

Brazilian Rock Rose

— A couple of months ago we went for a visit at our favorite Austin nursery, Garden Seventeen. We were looking for some native plants to add to our front and back yards. After the 2021 February snowcalypse, a few … Read More

In Our Backyard

— I recently mentioned in a previous post about our backyard landscaping project. We are still adding more plants to attract pollinators. However, with some of the already established plants, the activity I see now has increased daily. There are … Read More

Gulf Fritillary

— A long time in the making, our backyard landscaping project is nearly complete. The first delay was back in February 2021 because of the week-long extreme cold weather that hit Texas. After that, we then had to wait until … Read More

Alamo Vine

— If you find there is some resemblance of this Alamo Vine flower to the Morning Glory flower, it is because the two flowers share the same family. Also known as Noyau Vine or Correhuela De Las Doce, the Alamo … Read More

Crepe Myrtle

— Whenever the weather gets too hot in Austin, Texas, there is not much one can do but stay indoors or near air conditioning. We have been lucky in 2021 with somewhat milder and wetter conditions. All around we are … Read More

Bee-sy bee-sy

— Before I photographed flying dragonflies, the workshop I attended last weekend had our group photograph bees in flight. Here are two shots I made among several others. We were in a large field of wildflowers, and it seemed that … Read More

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