Bees on Bluebonnets

— Spring seems to be in full force in Austin, Texas. Not only are the city and surrounding areas getting covered with wildflowers, but pollinators have also started to show en masse around these new wildflowers. In my recent bike … Read More

Early Spring Pollinators

— Spring 2023 is off to an excellent start for wildflowers and pollinators. The weather has been varying quite a bit since the beginning of the year. As a result of that, and unseasonably warm winter temperatures, many wildflowers began … Read More

Chinese Sacred Lily

— Is it spring yet? Well, some flowers are thinking that way here in Austin, Texas. We have now had several days of unseasonably warm weather. To think we are having daytime highs in the 70s (20s in Celsius) and … Read More

Pollinating in the Winter

Isn’t it lovely? Here we are in Austin, Texas, just a few days before the official start of winter. This morning I went outside in our front yard to make a photo for a photography group’s weekly challenge. I thought … Read More

Four O’Clock Flower

While walking at Copperfield Nature Trail (Austin, Texas), near my home, I saw this flower for the very first time. I was surprised to see it there at the entrance of the trail. As often as I have been going … Read More

Green Anole Lizard

One of the joys of the changing weather is that I am able to spend more time outside. In the summertime, even in the mornings sometimes the heat and humidity are uncomfortable. Since the end of August, we have noticed … Read More

Flowers along the Rainbow Lake trail

— The scenery by itself was breathtaking as we hiked to Rainbow Lake in Colorado. Every stretch of the trail provided a new view of the skies, mountains, and streams. Just looking along the trail itself, beauty was everywhere. July … Read More

Kindness, Health, Wellness

I looked at my photo library and considered using one of the photos I have to match this week’s theme in the Nature Photographers Network group of which I am a member. However, I wanted to push myself a bit … Read More

Garden Flowers in Our Home

— When I was a child, there was a song that became a big hit in Brazil. It was called “The Garden Flowers in Our Home,” and it was performed by unimitable Roberto Carlos. It was a sad song talking … Read More


— One knows summer has arrived in Texas when even sunflowers start to wither with the intense heat. A walk to my neighborhood park shows plenty of evidence about the effects of summer heat.  That was the case this week … Read More

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