Devil’s Waterhole

— This recent trip to Inks Lake SP while the lake water level was low proved very rewarding to what I had in mind. Not only did I witness a great sunset, but I was also able to explore areas … Read More

Inks Lake Sunset

— One of the advantages of being retired is the ability to get up and go at a moment’s notice with very little planning or no planning at all. This winter of 2020, I have been doing exactly that. Not … Read More

Fall Splendor

— Fall foliage is generally late in Texas, but when it comes, it puts on a fantastic show. I had been waiting for perfect weather that would allow me to spend some time enjoying fall colors in central Texas. After … Read More


— Tucked away in East Texas, Martin Dies, Jr. SP is a gem for hikers, bikers, and kayakers. On a crisp morning in the fall of 2018, my friends and I set out to kayak around a section of Steinhager … Read More

Spicewood Creek

— After a long and super hot summer, the first sign of cooler weather was all my friends and I needed to get out and enjoy the outdoors more fully, i.e., camping. We did not have to go very far … Read More

Gorman Falls

— As many times as I have hiked to Gorman Falls in Colorado Bend State Park, never had I seen it as beautiful as in last December. Coupled with the recent torrential rains in previous months to December 2018, there … Read More

Pedernales River

— So, here we are in October, and high temperatures are still in the upper 90s and even reaching the century mark! What is a guy to do to get fall weather? Well, I have to go back to some … Read More

Bald Cypress Trail

— Just two years ago (November 2017), that was the scene around Guadalupe River SP. I stopped there on my way back home to take a short hike along the Bald Cypress Trail. Fall foliage was stunning. The trail is … Read More

The Maker of Peace

— If you have ever been to Seminole Canyon SP and visited the Fate Bell Pictograph site, you will have walked right by the bronze statue of The Maker of Peace, by Texas artist Bill Worrell. The sculpture shows a … Read More

Pedernales Falls State Park

— At the end of the day, if you’re lucky and the weather is on your side, you get spectacular views at Pedernales Falls SP. This past February, I went to that park to meet a friend for a day … Read More

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