Concrete, Steel, Stone, & Wood in Monochrome

Who is not enamored by bridges? I cannot resist seeing a bridge without stopping to photograph it. There is something more about bridges than just connecting two points. The Pecos River Bridge in West Texas is a feat of engineering. … Read More

Exploring the Nuances of a Single Shade

When it comes to monochromes, I am relatively new to exploring the nuances of a single shade, whether it is black and white or a different one. I looked at what I have published here and only found thirteen posts … Read More

The Cool Tones of Huntsville State Park

Lens-Artists Challenge #313 – Cool Colors In February 2024, I had a challenge about using warm colors in our photos. I examined the impact that those hues had on the way we react to a photograph. Now, John focuses on … Read More

Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft

Visiting Davis Mountains SP and surrounding areas will inevitably raise travelers’ curiosity, especially if you spot the view in the photo above. Although nature is the main focus in the park (I have several photos of Skyline Drive, for example), … Read More

Skyline Drive

Davis Mountains State Park in West Texas is one of my favorite state parks. Something about the area moves me. The views are breathtaking, and the open spaces are wider than anywhere else in Texas. The skyline’s vast openness is … Read More

Hope for Nature: A Breath of Fresh Air

Lens-Artists Challenge #299 – Hopeful This week, Patti challenges us to reflect on what makes us hopeful. Read about it and be inspired here. Through her inspirational words and beautiful photos, she offers various ways we can use to express … Read More

Feathered Fiesta: Cedar Waxwings Throw a Birdbath Party

This week, I. J. Khanewala’s Bird of the Week invitation reminded me of Cedar Waxwing birds found in Texas. Although Small Pratincoles (Glareola lactea) and Cedar Waxwings (Bombycilla cedrorum) are not related, I saw some resemblance, particularly in the feather … Read More

Deep in Nature: An Impressionistic Landscape

Springtime started to show its light in late February 2024. When March rolled around, we began seeing the first Bluebonnets, the State Flower of Texas. My social media feeds are full of photos of that and other wildflowers. That is … Read More

Capitol Peak: A Short Hike with Big Views

Driving around Palo Duro Canyon SP and also from various trails in the park, Capitol Peak (elevation 3,158 feet, 963 meters) cannot be missed. The above photo was captured at the beginning of the Lighthouse trail. The trail, a little … Read More

He Is Risen

This is Decision Point Peak. I used to go to Reveille Peak Ranch to ride my mountain bike. Besides dozens of fun trails–some hard, some easy–when you ride to Decision Point, you can be assured of breathtaking views of the … Read More

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