Canyonlands National Park

— It is hard to put into words the breathtaking views one finds at Canyonlands National Park, Utah. This was our last stop during our Utah national parks trip last year. Dozens of canyons, mesas and buttes are scattered throughout … Read More

Nature’s Palette

— Another gift by Mother Nature, the Painted Desert in Petrified Forest National Park is a wonder of colors and textures. With colors ranging from lavender to shades of gray, deep red, orange and pink, this area covers over 93,500 … Read More

Balanced Rock – Big Bend NP

— And here is another Balanced Rock, this time at Big Bend NP. You can find another Balanced Rock at Arches NP. As the main attraction and destination at Grapevine Hills trail, the Balanced Rock offers a beautiful and otherworldly view of … Read More


The Grapevine Hills Trail, in Big Bend NP, is well known for its picturesque Balanced Rock. However, no one will deny the incredible surroundings with various rocks exhibiting odd shapes and characteristics that amaze anyone. The trail is reached via … Read More

Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive

— Although this photo is over 10 years old, the magic of a sunset on the Chisos Mountains as seen from the Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive is breathtaking. The red and orangeg colors are vibrant and intense giving the Chisos … Read More

Into the Woods…

— When we were in Olympic NP, it was at the time the Elwha Dam was being removed to allow the Elwha River back to its normal flow. We were able to see a portion of the dam already removed. That … Read More

Hoh River and Rainforest

— The beginning of spring also marks two important dates: the International Day of Forests (March 21) and World Water Day (March 22). With that in mind, I began searching through my photos to find one that could capture the … Read More

Capitol Reef National Park

— Another stop at Capitol Reef National Park‘s Panorama Point. This place is magnificent. Just about anywhere you look, you’ll see beautiful sights. Of course, it helped us tremendously that we were there close to the sunset. The lighting was … Read More

Ernst Tinaja

As we prepare to revisit Big Bend National Park in a couple of weeks, I’m finding myself going through some old photos and trying to decide what trails I want to revisit. An easy and favorite trail of mine is … Read More

Louise Lake

— Getting this photo at Mount Rainier NP was fun. We had dark clouds and rainy weather as we were driving that afternoon. However, as we approached a curve on the road on the way back from the Paradise Visitor … Read More

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