Blue Ranger

— One of the highlights of our visit to Bryce Canyon National Park in 2016 was a burro ride down into the canyon. Experiencing the beauty of Bryce Canyon from down below was a humbling experience. Seeing those hoodoos and … Read More

Taos Dreaming

— Back in 2011 we decided to spend New Year’s in Taos, New Mexico. We’d been there before a couple of times, but this time we went with other friends, too. To make the trip even more interesting, three of … Read More

From the Deck

— Our visits to family in Brazil often include spending weekends at Lagoa do Banana, about 45 minutes from our house. One of my brothers has a house at Lagoa. Sometimes it can be busy in the summer, but often … Read More

No Middle Man

— Nothing is more reassuring for a buyer when one sees the source of your purchase. That was the case for us, when we were headed to the Colca Canyon in Peru. Along the way, we had a few stops … Read More

Grosvenor Arch

— On our way from Bryce Canyon NP to Arches NP, we stopped at the ranger station at Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. Since we had some time to get to Arches, we asked the ranger if there was any hike … Read More

Dead Horse Point

— When we began planning our Utah 2016 summer vacation, we talked to a few people who had already been to those national parks. A couple of friends who had lived in Utah mentioned that we should make time to … Read More

Dois Irmãos

— This Christmas, while spending time with our family in Brazil, we took 4 days off to visit the Fernando de Noronha archipelago, off the northeast coast of Brazil. The archipelago comprises 21 islands, but only one is inhabited. What … Read More

Carson National Forest

  — One of the fringe perks of road trips is the route one takes. If a traveler plans well, the route to get to a memorable destination can be filled with even more spectacular scenery. When we decided to go back … Read More

Ernst Tinaja Trail

One frequent destination of mine, Big Bend National Park offers remote locations and expansive views. On this particular visit back in 2009, I took my mountain bike to explore some of the park roads on two wheels. A buddy and … Read More

The Tetons

— We took a short drive outside the Grand Teton National Park to explore the sites and look for wildlife in the Gros Ventre Wilderness area. When we stopped for lunch at the Kelly Cafe, this was the view before … Read More

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