First Freeze

— Texas is truly a mixed bag when it comes to weather. One day we are in shorts and t-shirts, and the next day we experience a freeze. That was the case for the first couple of days in January … Read More

Colors in Copperfield – Other Colors

— Sometimes it is good to look at nature without colors. Often colors will get our attention and take away details. In the leaves above, I wanted to see the details our eyes can perceive when we desaturate the scene. … Read More

Colors in Copperfield – Reds, Oranges, Yellows

— After my arrival at the Copperfield Nature Trail pond, once I saw colors around it (see the first post in this series for a brief introduction), I decided I had to get closer and photograph more of the details. … Read More

Colors in Copperfield

— In mid-November 2021, I decided to take a quick walk in our neighborhood park, Copperfield Nature Trail (Austin, Texas). If you have been following my photos here for a while, you know this park is one of my favorites. … Read More

Love in the Afternoon

— I am not sure how many photographers associate photography with music. I know of a few that do. I also tend to remember songs when I am making photographs such as the one above. This particular scene made me … Read More


— Recently I spent some time around our backyard in Austin looking at things and discovering hidden gems. What that meant is that I was walking around with my macro lens and finding things we normally do not look at … Read More

Sunset at COTA

— It is really hard to imagine that it has now been four years that the Circuit of the Americas began its Tuesday evenings bike rides. I have gone biking there pretty regularly now. In 2020, because of the pandemic … Read More

In Our Backyard

— I recently mentioned in a previous post about our backyard landscaping project. We are still adding more plants to attract pollinators. However, with some of the already established plants, the activity I see now has increased daily. There are … Read More

A Tranquil Place

— When we last visited Lake Tahoe, we spent a very enjoyable time in this area. We liked it so much that we came back to catch a sunset there. Rabe Meadows is another peaceful and easy hike on the shores … Read More

A Peaceful Paradise

— How would you like to be in a campground surrounded by pine trees and evergreen shrubs and just a few steps from the blue waters of Lake Tahoe? That is the setting of the Nevada Beach campground. The area is right … Read More

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