An Empty Office

— I find the symbolism of this empty Oval Office very meaningful to the times in which we presently live. The man in the position of President of the United States of America has done absolutely nothing to unite us … Read More

Happy Memorial Day

— I was going through my photos with the US flag to find one that I wanted to share here in celebration of Memorial Day 2020. What an odd year this has been! The photo above was made barely six … Read More

Mexican Hat

— I have lived in Austin for many years and have hiked the Bull Creek Preserve area several times. Bull Creek is a very popular area, but I had never explored two trails right by the busy Capital of Texas … Read More

Monarch or Queen Butterfly?

— A couple of weeks ago, the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center re-opened its doors for members only and with advance reservations. The process was perfectly tailored and safe for these COVID-19 times. Kudos to the Center! We took opportunity … Read More

Balcones District Park

— The saying goes that the best camera is the one you have with you at the time you need to capture a moment. It so happened to me this morning when I took my mountain bike for a ride. … Read More

Giant Spiderwort

— One of the nicest things about spring in Texas is that the display of wildflowers seems to on-going from February through early June. After Bluebonnets are done with their impressive display all over the state, you then have other … Read More

Instituto Ricardo Brennand

— The Instituto Ricardo Brennand is a cultural institution in Recife, capital of the northeastern state of Pernambuco (Brazil). This museum, art gallery, library, and large park was created by the late Ricardo Brennand, who just very recently passed away … Read More

Santos (São Paulo)

— First and foremost, I guarantee you that the photo above is leveled, and no, what you see is not an optical illusion. In fact, those buildings are indeed leaning. Several buildings along the shore in Santos (São Paulo) display … Read More

Copacabana Beach

— Rio de Janeiro is a postcard just about anywhere you look. The city is known in Brazil as the Marvelous City. I tend to think the denomination comes from the fact the city’s topography is blessed by the Creator. … Read More

National Congress

— It is true that Brasília (Brazil’s capital city) has a futuristic look. The entire city was planned from scratch to replace Brazil’s capital city in 1960. The idea was to have a city that was central to most of … Read More

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