Gulf Fritillary

— A long time in the making, our backyard landscaping project is nearly complete. The first delay was back in February 2021 because of the week-long extreme cold weather that hit Texas. After that, we then had to wait until … Read More

Alamo Vine

— If you find there is some resemblance of this Alamo Vine flower to the Morning Glory flower, it is because the two flowers share the same family. Also known as Noyau Vine or Correhuela De Las Doce, the Alamo … Read More

Common Spotted Whiptail

— As many times as I have visited the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin, Texas, I often run into this tiny and fast lizard on the ground. The Center is known for its wildflowers and pollinators mostly. However, … Read More

Crepe Myrtle

— Whenever the weather gets too hot in Austin, Texas, there is not much one can do but stay indoors or near air conditioning. We have been lucky in 2021 with somewhat milder and wetter conditions. All around we are … Read More


— After the hard week-long freeze and snow fall that hit Texas in February 2021, a lot of local shrubs and trees suffered devastating effects. Throughout the city, it was evident to see the damage caused. Most noticeable were palms. … Read More

Icaraí Sunset

— When in Fortaleza (Brazil), sunset worshipping is a way of living. People flock to the beaches to enjoy the Atlantic warm currents and also to wait for the sun to set, especially in locations such as Icaraí and Cumbuco, … Read More

Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve

— Located in southwest Austin, Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve is an oasis in the middle of the city. Just minutes from downtown, this preserve can make you feel like you are miles from traffic. When you couple that with recent … Read More

World Oceans Day

— On June 8 we celebrate World Oceans Day. The United Nations (UN) proclaimed this year’s theme as “The Ocean: Life and Livelihoods.” To call attention to what covers 70% of the planet is evident in present times. Sometimes people … Read More

Sanctuary of Fátima

When we visited Portugal in 2018, we had several cities and sites we were certain we would want to visit. Besides the historical connection to Brazil, there were some specific cities in our list where we knew we would make … Read More

Basilica of the Holy Trinity

— In order to accommodate the large number of pilgrims who visit the Sanctuary of Fátima, Portugal, the Basilica of the Holy Trinity was built across from the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary. It was obvious that on … Read More

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