La Libertad

Going back several years ago, one of our most memorable trips was visiting El Salvador in 2008. One of our closest friends, a native of that country, prepared the entire itinerary and led us to an unforgettable visit. After spending … Read More

Where Music Meets Nature: The Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden

Lens-Artists Challenge #311 – What’s in a Garden? When I read Ann-Christine’s Lens-Artists challenge for this week, What’s In a Garden? my mind went all over the place. I visit many gardens in the Austin area and other places I … Read More

Acoma Pueblo: Timeless Art of the Sky City

Lens-Artists Challenge #310 – Zigzag Acoma Pueblo (New Mexico), also known as Sky City, is one of the oldest continuously inhabited settlements in the U.S. dating back to 1150 A.D. On top of a sandstone mesa 367 feet (112 meters) … Read More

Balcony Bliss

Lens-Artists Challenge #309 – Balconies Balconies have shown importance throughout time in several ways. They can serve as an intermediary between private and public life. They bring light and air to a home’s room. They also offer views of places … Read More


Back in 2022, I was in a photography challenge group. The photos you see here result from a challenge that asked participants to submit a photo using the high-key photography technique. In plain terms, high-key photography is mostly bright and … Read More

Lens-Artists Challenge #305 – Two Rectangles

In previous challenges, we have seen how vital composition is in photography. For example, we challenged you to show us images emphasizing symmetry and asymmetry, backlighting, and leading lines. I thought we would have fun looking at our photos or … Read More


Spiderworts symbolize immortality, optimism, and moral authority. Although its most common color is blue to purple, there are also pink, red, or white varieties. This post shows two types of Spiderworts: Ohio Spiderwort and False Dayflower (also known as Widow’s … Read More

Witches and Wonders: A Renaissance Fairytale Adventure

Once upon a time, a mean snake charmer lived in a divided kingdom. His piercing eyes and stone heart spread fear around the entire kingdom. Worried residents would walk around and pray with the townspeople to bring evil to an … Read More

Disney World’s Tree of Life: A 2002 Throwback Transformation

For this flashback Friday, I have decided to re-edit a couple of photos I captured at Disney World, Florida, in 2002. I captured these images almost exactly 22 years ago. Through software advancements in recent years, I was able to … Read More

The D-Day Legacy: 80 Years for Our Freedom

Celebrating and remembering the day that changed the world: June 6, 1944.Thank you to those who have served. “They fight not for the lust of conquest. They fight to end conquest. They fight to liberate.“Franklin D. Roosevelt

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