Fall Impressions

Impressionism is the newspaper of the soul.Henri Matisse This afternoon, I went to my favorite neighborhood park, Copperfield Nature Trail, to check out fall foliage colors. Two years ago, I did a micro-project focussing on the colors around that section … Read More

Asymmetry Everywhere

— After last week’s Lens-Artists‘ challenge on symmetry, this week the challenge was asymmetry in photography. Donna’s challenge was beautifully proposed in an eye-catching gallery illustrating good examples of asymmetry. Asymmetrical balance in photography is easier found than one would … Read More

Black and White or Monochrome

— According to PhotographyLife website, black and white photography is defined as “the art of using different tones of gray, ranging from white to dark, to create compelling images.” It is not as easy as one might think. A lot … Read More


— Two things I am certain of that I am not good at: cooking and still-life photography. Both are as foreign to me as eating seafood. So, why am I posting a story about inspiration in the kitchen? Read on, … Read More

Twisted Sisters

— In one of the last assignments I had in my photography challenge group last year, we were asked to remain in one place for at least an hour and photograph whatever we could. The challenge was appropriately named “stuck … Read More

Navajo Blanket

I have often heard that photographers should familiarize themselves with a location before they go out for a photoshoot. It pays to know your surroundings and what to expect out of them. I have made full use of that knowledge … Read More


— Recently I spent some time around our backyard in Austin looking at things and discovering hidden gems. What that meant is that I was walking around with my macro lens and finding things we normally do not look at … Read More

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