A New Perspective on the Ordinary

Lens-Artists Challenge #315 – Common Object We are so accustomed to seeing the world at eye level that we are bound to find new worlds whenever we shift our perspective. For example, when we use macro lenses to photograph what’s … Read More

A Moment of Stillness

You are not a drop in the ocean;you are the entire ocean in a drop.Rumi I created something new for this month’s ICM photo challenge (ICMPC #7): my first ICM panorama. The process was straightforward. I first made three ICM … Read More

When Life Gives You Jams…

When life gives you jams, you go surfing. Of course, I am talking about traffic jams here. July was a hectic month for us. We were moving. I hardly had any time for photography. However, after seeing Kathleen’s sixth ICMPC, … Read More

Defying Gravity: Levitating with ICM

For this month’s ICMPC (ICM Photo Challenge) post, I did not have to go far to create an image. The photo you see above was captured right here in our backyard. I have said it before, but one of the … Read More

Lens-Artists Challenge #297: Music to My Eyes

You have likely heard or used the saying, “It’s music to my ears.” The situations vary and can encompass cases when someone compliments or gives you good news. Going beyond that saying, do you believe you can “see” music in … Read More

Beyond the Literal: Unveiling the Abstract in Your Day

The world around us offers much more than the unobservant eye can see. Frequently, we are caught up in the big picture and overlook seeing what is right in front of us. So, that is what Ritva proposed to us … Read More

Deep in Nature: An Impressionistic Landscape

Springtime started to show its light in late February 2024. When March rolled around, we began seeing the first Bluebonnets, the State Flower of Texas. My social media feeds are full of photos of that and other wildflowers. That is … Read More

Whispering Waves: Calm and Wild

Lens-Artists Challenge #293: Water in Motion There’s a deep connection between moving water and the human spirit. I find the power of listening to water soothing and entrancing. Some of the best hikes I have done include trails along creeks. … Read More

Whispers in White: Aspen Spirits of the Forest

— In our July 2022 trip to Colorado, in addition to taking several memorable hikes, I was constantly open to surprises. As I often tell my friends, I photograph when I travel and do not always travel to make photos. … Read More

How to Play with ICM

— And now for something completely different! Taking sharp photos is not always the intended objective for every image. In photography, something is called ICM or intentional camera movement (or in-camera movement). Just as what it appears to be, ICM … Read More

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