— In support of the old saying that everything in Texas is bigger, when I was last driving on River Road in 2019, I had to stop many times. It was not only because of the view that you see in the photo above. The time of the year was March, and after just the right amount of rain in the Big Bend Ranch State Park area, wildflowers were putting on a show unlike previous years. In a previous entry I have on this blog, I showed flowering creosote bushes along the River Road. This time, however, my unanticipated stop was because of Texas state flower: Bluebonnets. These were not your usual bluebonnets you see around Austin and other parts of the state. What caught my eyes was how tall these Big Bend bluebonnets were. In addition to getting general shots, I also stood next to one of such bluebonnets to show how tall they were growing. In the photo below, you can see me standing next to one of these flowers. That particular stalk in front of my left leg was coming up to about my waist. It was nearly 3 feet (1 m) tall. Although the Big Bend area is often crowded in the springtime, if you time your trip just right, you can enjoy these amazing tall wildflowers along the park roads.

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