Blue Jay

Blue Jay

— With the extremely hot temperatures we are having in Austin this summer, we have been making sure our backyard has ample water for wildlife. We have noticed an increased number of animals taking a break from the heat under our covered patio. In particular, lately we have seen lizards and squirrels resting in the shade under our patio table. We maintain a small container of water there and refill it every couple of days or so. In addition to that, the birdbath out in the yard is refilled every other day. Various birds come to drink from that and also bathe in the bowl. In addition to providing for wildlife, I get to see beautiful animals within a few feet of our dining room table. I don’t even have to go out in the heat to capture photos such as those here. The two shots featured here are the common Blue Jay. They are smaller than the Mexican Jay seen in Big Bend NP, but just as beautiful, especially with the sun shining on their feathers.

Blue Jay

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