Birds in Monochrome

Happy National Wildlife Day!

Three Amigos

Inspired by several posts this week, I looked back at my catalog and chose half a dozen images to explore in monochrome. Does the achromatic edit work? The photo above was captured as the sun rose in Port Aransas, Texas. Three pelicans were flying toward the light. Although I am not an early riser, I am often motivated to take early walks along the shore. I liked the monochrome edit with the silhouettes emphasized against the early morning sky.

Supper Time


I grouped these hawks in one set, but they come from different environments. As I went for a sunset shoot, the Red-tailed hawk and its prey were captured at Inks Lake State Park. Nature had other plans for me — and that poor squirrel. As for the Cooper’s hawk, that was captured in early August 2024. It was resting and surveying my backyard. I was inside our bedroom with the hawk within just 6 feet (1.82 meters) away on the other side of the window. In both images, the monochrome treatment enhanced the feather textures and layers.

For this last set, these are all backyard birds. The morning light on the female Northern Cardinal is more luminescent in monochrome. The Inca doves also show more detail in their scale-like feather pattern. And yes, if you’ve noticed the fence in the last photo, it is the same fence the hawk was on but on different days.

Northern Cardinal

Lovey Dovey

On Top of the World

For Leanne’s Monochrome Madness #16 and Elke from Pictures Imperfect Blog‘s BIRDS theme.

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25 Responses

  1. Anne Sandler
    | Reply

    Wonderful birds in black and white Egidio.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks for the feedback, Anne. I had to look at several images to decide which ones worked well in monochrome.

  2. Vicki
    | Reply

    Very effective in monochrome. Apart from the pattern on the bird’s feathers, the vertical fence line is a great part of the overall composition.
    (and don’t you just love it when you can see birds from indoors. Much easier to photograph without lugging camera gear around outdoors).

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Vicki, thank you for the comment and compliment. I agree with you about the convenience of birding in one’s own home.

  3. Allan J Jones
    | Reply

    Wonderful images.
    Glad you didn’t center the the sea birds

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks, Allan. Yes, centering the birds would have been poor composition.

  4. All look marvellous in monochrome!
    Ruler, my favourite!

  5. tobyo
    | Reply

    Wow! These are all stunning!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you, Toby, for your compliment.

  6. Leanne Cole
    | Reply

    They are all great Egidio, but especially love the hawks, they are amazing.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks, Leanne. I have a few other photos I captured with the hawk right above my head and very close. I was surprised it had not seen me.

  7. margaret21
    | Reply

    These all work so well, but I especially like the contrast in the Northern Cardinal.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      That cardinal was just at the right place for the light and contrast to work well. Thank you, Margaret.

  8. restlessjo
    | Reply

    Beautiful, Egidio.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks, Jo. I appreciate the feedback.

  9. eklastic
    | Reply

    They are all stunning, Egido. Those pelicans in flight are wonderful but so are the others.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you very much. I loved this theme.

  10. Rebecca Cuningham
    | Reply

    Excellent photos. I like how the monochrome shows the details of their feathers.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Rebecca, those details were the first thing I observed, too. Thanks for the comment.

  11. PR
    | Reply

    Monochrome is showing the patterns very nicely..

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      I’m glad you pointed that out, too. Thanks.

  12. eklastic
    | Reply

    I thought I had liked + commented on your post already- maybe in my dreams? If I’m doubling up – no matter: your photos definitely deserve a second helping of praise. They are terrific. I love those pelicans in flight most of all.

    • Egídio
      | Reply

      Thanks a million for your compliment. I appreciated that. You are correct. You have a previous comment a few lines above. Your support is much appreciated.

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