— I have seen this area many times. I used to bike around the New Swedish Lutheran Church area quite often. These county roads are quiet and generally do not have much traffic. Furthermore, the people who drive them are aware of the large number of cyclists in the area. This is one of the few roads where I feel safe biking. At this time of the year, the cotton fields give a viewer an optical illusion. Sometimes the fields look like covered in snow in the middle of August.
Although the church address is actually in Manor, it is very easy to get to it from north Austin. That is why this week I drove there to appreciate the serene and tranquil views near sunset time. I hoped for more clouds to add drama to the scene, but I cannot complain about this view. The shadows covering the area were contrasting beautifully with the last rays of sunlight. That accentuated even more the white on the field. Besides me, there was only another guy making photos at this location. The sun was beginning to set in the horizon. Consequently, shooting almost directly into the sun provided a unique brilliance to the fields. Then there were also those field lines among the cotton gently guiding our eyes to the church. All I had to do was click and register the view.
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