A Role to Play

Fly (Sarcophaga carnaria)
Fly (Sarcophaga carnaria)

— Flies are often seen as pests, but they actually play an important role in the ecosystem. Among those roles, the one they most often associated with is that of a decomposer. They help to break down dead animals and plant matter. This process is essential for recycling nutrients back into the soil, which helps to support plant growth. Two other very important roles we seldom think about for flies are pollinators and indicator species. As pollinators, some types of flies, e.g., hoverflies and bee flies help to transfer pollen from flower to flower. As an indicator species, flies help assess the health of an ecosystem. For example, the presence of certain types of flies can indicate the presence of pollution or other environmental problems.

So, while flies may not be the most popular insects, they do play an important role in the ecosystem. We should appreciate them for their many benefits, and try to coexist with them peacefully.

The story behind this shot goes back to the early COVID days. While in lockdown, my backyard became my go-to place for photography. It was back then in 2020 that I began to experiment and learn more about macro photography. This particular fly is known as a common flesh fly. More specifically, iNaturalist experts suggest it is a Sarcophagidae.

This post is my entry to Denzil Nature‘s call for his Nature Photo Challenge #23: Flies. I initially thought I had no photos of flies. Well, I was surprised.

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0 Responses

  1. nesfelicio
    | Reply

    Brilliantly captured macro of this fly.
    You just showed they have a role, too, as photography subjects.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Nes, thanks for the compliment and comment. I appreciated them. You’re right about their role in photography, too.

  2. Lovely macro!

  3. Denzil
    | Reply

    That’s a handsome chappie that you have captured so well Egidio.

  4. margaret21
    | Reply

    A lovely shot, showing this fly as handsome. It’s hard to feel positive about flies, but we really have to try!

  5. Anita
    | Reply

    An amazing photo Egfdio! So detailed and its red eyes are fascinating.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thanks, Anita. I appreciate your comment. I am often surprised at the details I sometimes get in macros, especially in the eyes.

  6. jazzibee
    | Reply

    A striking photograph! Great macro!

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