A Brazilian Christmas

Brazilian Christmas

Christmas in Brazil is not much different from what we experience in the northern hemisphere. Well, if you set aside the fact it is summer in Brazil during Christmas, then not much else is different. The malls are packed with people. Everything and everywhere you find Christmas lights and decorations. Although there are some original Brazilian Christmas music, you will also hear Portuguese versions of American classics. In my hometown of Fortaleza, there is one specific tradition that brings everyone out to enjoy it. It is the Christmas singalong in the city’s main plaza, in the heart of the city. The building above is a hotel downtown. For a week before Christmas, every night you can hear live Christmas music being sung there. In each of those windows, there are from 1-3 singers putting on an unforgettable evening. The show lasts for about 30-45 minutes, but it stays with you the entire Christmas season. The red banner on the sides of the building wishes everyone a “Feliz Natal” (Merry Christmas). Even though political correctness has made its presence in Brazil, during Christmas, it’s nearly inevitable that everyone says “Feliz Natal,” no matter what their religious background is. The video below shows our surroundings to the tune of “Jingle Bells” — in Portuguese, of course. It’s called “Bate o Sino” (a pretty close translation of the original).

Downtown Christmas

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