Hope for Nature: A Breath of Fresh Air
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Lens-Artists Challenge #299 – Hopeful This week, Patti challenges us to reflect on what makes us hopeful. Read about it and be inspired here. Through her inspirational words and beautiful photos, she offers various ways we can use to express … Read More

Whispers in White: Aspen Spirits of the Forest
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— In our July 2022 trip to Colorado, in addition to taking several memorable hikes, I was constantly open to surprises. As I often tell my friends, I photograph when I travel and do not always travel to make photos. … Read More

Brazil Flowers
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As the year 2023 is about to close, I looked at the photos I captured this year and tried very hard to pick a few that I had somehow overlooked to post whenever I published a new article. We had … Read More

Yellow’s Positive Energy
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— I am slowly trying to catch up with previous Nature Photo Challenges that Denzil’s Nature blog features every week on average. Last spring, he challenged us “to paint the internet yellow.” The theme was related to spring colors, as … Read More

Lens-Artists Challenge #267 – Recharge
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Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.Albert Einstein Before retiring, whenever pressure and stress were building at work, I used to tell my boss that I needed to recharge my batteries. He knew that a few … Read More

Lower Cataract Lake
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— Lower Cataract Lake is a beautiful lake located in the Eagles Nest Wilderness section of the White River National Forest in Colorado. The lake is about 40 minutes northwest of Silverthorne. We visited this lake and its trail in … Read More

Flowers along the Rainbow Lake trail
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— The scenery by itself was breathtaking as we hiked to Rainbow Lake in Colorado. Every stretch of the trail provided a new view of the skies, mountains, and streams. Just looking along the trail itself, beauty was everywhere. July … Read More

Rainbow Lake
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— Among several beautiful sites in Colorado, one thing that never seems to disappoint is the view of a Colorado lake. One can spend hours by a lake simply appreciating the reflections created in those calm waters. This first photo … Read More