Texas Red Yucca
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— A few years ago, we decided to do a major change in our yard. Instead of grass, we began replacing that with native plants. One of the plants we added to our front yard was the Texas Red Yucca. … Read More

Happy World Wildlife Day!
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— In case you did not know, March 3 is the United Nations World Wildlife Day. This is the day we celebrate wild animals and plants and their unique roles. This year’s theme is Connecting People and Planet: Exploring Digital … Read More

Would you Like to Have Breakfast with Me?
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— Since the Fall of 2023, I have started volunteering at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin, Texas. I joined the Fauna Project at the Center. That project began in March 2010 to create an inventory of non-human … Read More

Aoudads (Barbary Sheep)
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— Earlier this year, I went for a day hike at Pedernales Falls SP. The park tends to get a lot of visitors on weekends because of its proximity to Austin, Texas. However, during the week, one can enjoy the … Read More

To the Ends of the Earth
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— Located just about 1.5 hours from Austin, Texas, the Longhorn Cavern State Park is a cave that offers tours and hiking opportunities to anyone interested in the geology of Texas. The cave facilities are another example of the Civilian … Read More

Late Fall Colors
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An afternoon walk at Copperfield Nature Trail showing fall foliage along my hike.… Read More

Colorado Bend Foliage
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Hiking to Rooster’s Rust on the Tie Slide trail at Colorado Bend State Park.… Read More

Late Fall
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A hike along the Pedernales River at Pedernales Falls State Park.… Read More

A Female Mammoth
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— Going back some 67,000 years ago, there were mammoths roaming around in central Texas. The Waco Mammoth National Monument offers a glimpse in the past of these gigantic animals. An adult mammoth could easily stand 14 feet (4.25 m) … Read More

On the Porch
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— As part of a December tradition with friends, we often rent a cabin or house somewhere in Central Texas to spend a few days exploring the area and just shooting the breeze. This year, we went back to one … Read More

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